Monday, December 16, 2019

2019 Fall December 16 Monday


 29 Degrees this morning, (feels like 19), 95% humidity, wind 10 mph.

Yesterday was rather a nasty day, light mist and temperature in the mid 30’s.  Fortunately never got icy.  Wind came up a little, which made it really nasty.

May be freezing rain this morning, although right now it looks like not. 

Exercise, 31 minutes Stationary bicycle.  Went well, which was encouraging.  Hopefully I can start swimming and walking soon.  

Rib cartilage (or whatever) still hurts, but not quite so bad.  It has made a real believer of (over the counter) Tylenol,  I only take it when it starts to hurt. 

Aliene finished the “Christmas fudge” yesterday.  I can testify it (and her Christmas cranberry sauce) are as good as ever. It is certainly a treat.  

Winter is less than a week away now, what I call the “Winter of 20”.  It actually will be at 10:19 p.m. (Central Time) on December 21, 2019, what will be the “shortest day of the year” and then it starts to lengthen a little each day!

Spell-check always sternly advises me that the seasons are not capitalized in most cases, but I just tell it I do!

Doing more research for our vacation, probably the last until we get started.  I’ve researched a lot and will do “on the ground” research when we get there.  

I have a guidebook I got from the Library which was good, an “app," which was unusable and a waste of time and as I mentioned before, “TripAdvisor”  which has  been much better than I expect.  

Unlike our last vacation, the humidity will be high, but at least the temperature will also be high. 

The newspaper delivery continues to be unacceptable, 9:30 a.m. this morning. 

I get “Apple News” and see the Wall Street Journal editorials that I don’t bother to even look at in the paper.  Notice I said  “see” since I don’t read past the headline.  

I always think if they are that stupid, why am I reading the paper?  They are full of conspiracy theories,  butt licking of the lying coward lunatic and his coward toadies , etc. It doesn’t seem to go into their stories yet, but I’m sure it will, so I may as well save my money.  

I tried to cancel once when I saw some idiot who had been a reporter for the Wall Street Journal spout weird theories about the “deep state” and squealing how federal employees  have to butt lick the President and follow illegal orders, which flat isn’t true.  That is what the War Crimes trials were all about.  

The lying coward lunatic has had 85 political rallies (probably stealing millions at taxpayer expense), over 200 personal golf trips costing billions of dollars and sends out 60 to 170 lies a day on twitter. 

Fortunately that means he never gets any work done, so some of the responsibility for destroying the country will fall on his coward toadies who try so hard to suck up to him and can’t think for themselves.  

That’s it for now, Monday, December 16, 2019.  


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