Monday, November 06, 2017

2017 Fall November 6 Monday

44 degrees this morning, no walk

Yesterday started off great with 68 degrees but then got colder as day went on.

Skipped walk this morning, sort of a “recovery day” from the physical activity over the weekend.    I expect a consideration was the 44 degrees!  

Of course, I have to walk in cool weather this winter, but I have learned to take the cold weather one day at a time in winter!  

Seasonal music has started, at least on the the cable television channels and some radio channels.  I actually am glad they start early, I enjoy it and normally don’t get tired of it.  It used to not start until after Thanksgiving, but I am glad they start it early.

There are internet stations that play Christmas music year round, and I always think I will get my Christmas music fix in the summer, but I never think of it.  

My Dad was a music teacher and I remember there was usually a Christmas show the school put on, so Christmas at our house was usually delayed until after the Christmas show at school (which was mid December if I remember correctly).  

My oldest iPhone I am using (about 3 years old) developed a problem with the charger port, for some reason the cable wouldn’t stay in the charger very well.  

Insurance will provide a new phone (with a “small deductible” of course), but I dread the thought of having to activate the phone and put all of my passwords etc.back in.  

The iCloud etc. has made it a lot easier, but it is still something I am not looking forward too.

Aliene is looking forward to this Thursday, hopefully something will change on how she gets around on her fractured ankle.

She actually is getting around pretty good, considering the limitations of having a fractured ankle. 

The fractured ankle and the limitations it imposed on her activities have certainly opened my eyes to “minor injuries” and the impact they can have on your life.  I am sure that Aliene’s injury is considered “minor”, but there is noting “minor” out the impact on her life!

Short work week this week, we observe Veterans Day on Friday, so this is a 4 day work week.

That's it for now, Monday, November 6, 2017.

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