2017 Fall November 23 Thursday
39 degrees this morning, walk 35:26 miles
Hope you are all having a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Cool walk this morning, wind was’t high, but felt colder than I expected. However, as usual, I overdressed so I was fine.
Pace was 27 seconds slower than my goal. To be honest, in cold weather I don’t really care. In addition, it takes a lot longer to dress in cold weather, no matter how much I prepare the night before to make sure I don’t piddle.
I took a break from taking photo’s for my Hot Wheels cars, I was trying to figure out how I could start taking better pictures of them.
However, I decided I need to look at the purpose of taking the pictures. I wish they could be better, but the purpose of taking the pictures is to record what I have-not to take good pictures.
Anyway, I will start taking pictures again while I continue to look forays to get better pictures.
The problem is the light, it is difficult to get the light just right.
The store that made the “t-shirt quilts” is out of business. Probably too many people like me who “planned” to do it but never got a round tu it.
I think there are other places that do it, so I will continue to weed out t-shirts. I hope I can find a place that can incorporate t-shirts and the written parts of “giveme” hats.
We used to live where we were never home on Thanksgiving or Christmas. Now we are “home” every Thanksgiving and Christmas, which is actually nice. We have Thanksgiving and Christmas activities with family like the years we traveled away from home to our “other home”, but now we go home instead of to a hotel!
Actually, I don’t dislike hotels, I actually like hotels, but experience is that home is better!
Our planned cruise is less than 90 days way, while means I am going into a frenzy of planning to find the “best” hotel to stay at the night before, the “best” flight and the “best” transportation between the airport etc!
Sometimes I wonder if I enjoy the planing as much as the actual travel!
I actually have a hotel room reserved (free, on a credit card freebie).
Not quite as lucky on the flight yet, I thought I had a good flight and then realized I had made a reservation coming back on the wrong day, or at least not the day we planned.
That is always a question, are your going to take some time while you are in a place you are visiting to see the area or are you going to be anxious to get home? My experience is you are normally ready to get home after the end of a vacation!
However, the way the flights are, it is actually much cheaper to get a motel and leaver early the next morning, so we may just enjoy the free time!
At least it will be someplace warm.
That’s it for now, Thursday, November 23, 2017.
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