Tuesday, November 21, 2017

2017 Fall November 21 Tuesday

2017 Fall November 21 Tuesday

45 degrees this morning,  walk 35:54 minutes

Cold had a bite in it this morning, but it still was a nice walk.

Pace was 22 seconds slower than my goal.  I don’t worry quite as much in Winter about my pace, I would like to improve on it.

Actually, I would like to walk about a minute faster than my  current goal, maybe I will just set that as a goal and see how close I can get to it each day.  It may be the psychological boost I need to walk at a faster pace.  

Finished listening to  the “Great Course” on Utopias and Dystopias this morning.  It included some books I wasn’t familiar with and probably normally wouldn’t (and probably won’t) read.  

Up to a point, I feel it is good to read about/read books or articles that make me feel uncomfortable or even angry.  I need to avoid the thought that just because I disagree or am not familiar with it, or it makes me uncomfortable, I should avoid it.

In fact, I probably should go out of my way (within reason) to listen to or read about concepts and ideas that make me uncomfortable or new.  

I can think of many things and concepts and thoughts  that, at least at first, I basically  rejected or disagree, and several have come to be concepts or beliefs I strongly   endorse or support.

Finishing one book I listen to in the morning is always exciting since it means I begin to listen to another book.  

I am thinking of starting to listen to Leonardo Da Vinci.  I really don’t know that much about him and it may be interesting to listen to/read the book.

I am hooping it is interesting, I tried to listen to a book by the same author about the Panama Canal, and had a hard time getting involved in it.  I had been looking for information about the Panama Canal, so I was surprised I didn’t like it.

It may be I just wasn’t in the right mood when I listened to it and maybe I should try to listen to it again.  I am always pleasantly surprised when I have a hard time getting into a book and try again later and enjoy the book.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, November 21, 2017      

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