Saturday, September 09, 2017

2017 Suer September 9 Saturday

2017 Summer September 9 Saturday

65 degrees this morning, walk 36:17 minutes 

One of those mornings where I thought about  skipping my walk.  The cool weather, a slight sore throat etc…  But I went ahead and walked and as usual enjoyed it and am glad I did it.

I think it is important to feel like I can “take a break” if I want to,  for no reason at all but it is very difficult to skip a walk.  Skipping on other habits is  the same way. Even though you know it is good to skip occasionally it is difficult.

Pace, for some reason, has dropped, today it is one minute and 8 seconds slower than my goal, the worst time ever since I have started keeping track.  Probably a variety of reasons. 

The other day I was told i have an ‘international voice”.   I’m not quite sure what an “international voice” is.  In the context it was said, it think it meant the tone and possibly whatever accent I may have and also my demographics.  

Unfortunately it didn’t mean I speak a lot of languages!  One of the biggest frustrations of my work is communication with other languages (including some varieties of English!).  

At least I think it was meant as a compliment, which is always good!

Started my new area at work yesterday.  Still in transition phase, but getting into it.  It will definitely be different in a lot of ways, the same in some other ways.  Human nature remains the same, it just may be expressed a little different!

Even though i dealt with everyone in a professional relationship where I dealt with them perhaps once a month, some once every three or six months, or even yearly, it is difficult to end it.  You invest a lot of time and effort in helping (or whatever) a company and you like to stick around and see what happens,  I guess!

Of course, there is also the anticipation (and reality) of meeting new situations and businesses. 

Another weekend, this week rally did seem to fly by.  

I decided to “go for it’ and committed to attending a session of a Formula 1 race.  (Actually just the practice and Qualifying).  It will be fun, or if it’s not fun I won’t have to wonder if I would enjoy it or not!

If nothing else it will be a new experience.

I think there is a fine difference between “being in a rut” and and being reasonable about new experiences.  Living ‘in a rut”, to me, means you are lying without any real change or trying something different.

That’s it for now, Saturday, September 9, 2017. 

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