71 degrees this morning, walk 33:49 minutes
Rain last night, maybe help until we can get the sprinkler system fixed. Not that I don’t mine wasting water on the grass, I just hate to see plans die
It amazes me that so much water is wasted on plants and trees that aren’t native to this area especially large public areas designed by people who should know better, or probably more to the point, planted by developers who won’t have to maintain the expense of watering them.
Read several stories over the weekend that were interesting.
One was about the “central city” in this metropolitan area. The story seemed to indicate that maybe, finally, someone was getting concerned about the ‘instant slums” that are being built near one of the malls.
I really don’t understand how the developers get the approval to build literally thousands of apartments, without any street improvements, parks etc. They are literally building instant slums that will blight this area for years.
Even the Mayor (who still can’t understand why sidewalks are needed) says he is growing a “little concerned” about it.
About time. It is obvious from the comments that many of the Council Members are, for whatever reason, encouraging the overbuilding and instant slums.
Thank goodness the past Council Member didn’t run again. He was the same one who tried to have some weird Ordinance passed that make bicycle riders responsible for any accidents, or some weird ordinance
The story also stated that he “supported” the massive overbuilding, probably to hope his pocketbook out in some way!
The other was an excellent story in the New York Times about the criminal “private equity” companies and the way they pillage private ambulance and private fire departments, basically the same as they do private companies, steal from them, bankrupt them and than “save” them, all at the cost of the communities that they are supposed to serve.
Hopefully someone will get the courage to stop these “private equity” thieves and send them prison where they belong
I am beginning to think that “public-private” partnerships that everyone brags about are really just to benefit the “private” side, the public side gets the shaft.
Of course there are honest contractors who can provide some services more efficiently than a public entity can, but when “big business private equity” comes in, they need to consider who is paying the hefty fees involved and the huge profits.
Some with the mortgage companies, there is only one person paying the hefty fees for the huge profits they make, and that is the homeowner.
Back to the local situation, part of the reason for the story was the concern of the school system that serves the area of the apartments and how it was impossible to plan with all of the apartments being approved
Since this state has “independent” school districts, one city may have 3 or 4 school districts and a school district may serve any number of cities
Monday, the last full week of work for several weeks due to holidays and planned vacations. By the end of the week 2016 will already be half over.
That’s it for now, Monday, June 27, 2016.
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