76 degrees this morning, walk 34:21minutes
Summer begins at 5:34 a.m. CDT this morning! Since Summer isn’t technically yet here, I wrote “2016 Spring” for the last time this morning.
It is unusual, usually the seasons change in the evening, or at least the ones I remember do.
It is always with a hint of sadness (and a large part of happiness that, at least in general, warm weather will be here) that I see Summer arrive since it also marks the “longest day” of sunlight and the days start getting minutely shorter each day as we descend into another Winter.
By August, the days are relatively short again and the long days of sunlight are gone.
What can I do, but enjoy them while they are here!
For once, I am hoping that it will rain. Out sprinkler system is completely shut down and the grass, flowers etc. will soon start burning up. The grass will come back, the flowers and trees maybe not, although quite frankly, some of the plants aren’t our favorites and if they should happen to die we won’t replant the same variety.
I learned a lesson in “extended warranties” again yesterday. I have had enough bad experiences at Best Buy to know better than to ever shop there. Last year I bought a camera (a camera I really like by the way) and bought what I thought was an “extended warranty So, I take it in yesterday for what I thought was an “annual cleaning” and found out that the “extended warranty” actually was just an “add on” for a year with the original warranty? That is the last time I will ever set foot in Best Buy. Live and learn.
Actually, I had an excellent Fathers Day yesterday, it was very nice.
First full week of work for several weeks, actually the first full week of my normal routine, Toastmasters meeting etc. this month, since Memorial Day and then our vacation.
This promises to be a “hot” week (forecast temperatures up to 103 degrees), which I love, but it also presents some challenges in my “field days”. I have learned to keep “hydrated” without being so “hydrated” that my shirt looks like I have been swimming someplace, to be blunt about it.
It also means no hot coffee after early morning!
Actually, I have been drinking much less coffee since I got my Keurig coffee machine. I may drink as little as one or two cups a day versus my past of drinking 10 cups of coffee before 8 a.m.!
Funny thing is, when I am eating breakfast out, I still drink at least 3 cups of coffee, more if they refill it enough! I still really enjoy it, for some reason with the Keurig I drink a lot less. That may change in the winter.
Actually, I have discovered that McDonalds not only has excellent coffee, hey also have excellent iced tea and I can refill the tea myself without the embarrassment of having to ask for a refill. I also can cheat a little and drink sweet tea sometimes!
McDonalds tea used to have a metallic taste that i couldn’t stand, but now it is very good.
Also, for some reason most of the restaurants around here serve ice tea so weak you may as well be drinking water, so I had stop drinking ice tea after experiencing the wonderful Memphis ice tea.
However, McDonalds iced tea (at least what I had Friday) is excellent and I”ll be back for more. Also at the current price of $1. for any size you can’t beat the price.
I have learned to not even bother asking for coffee at lunch or supper around here. It isn’t worth it. Normally it is lukewarm and old, so I just don’t bother, plus it is so expensive in restaurants considering it is usually about 20-50% of what your meal costs!
That’s it for now, Monday, June 20, 2016, soon to be the Summer of 2016.
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