67 degrees this morning, walk 31;10 miles (light rain)
The rain and relatively cool weather continue.
As I mentioned, tomorrow we will have been here 1 year 11 months (actually when we actually moved is kind of flexible, since we were here for several days in a hotel, then in our house without any furniture for about a week etc, but you get the idea.
Aliene asked me about some jeans I had the other day, and I was surprised to realize that they had to be at least 29 years old. They also may look it, but I was still surprised at how old they were.
Of course there was a few years when I couldn’t wear them because they were too small (or I waste large).
Of course I try to look at things I have like the man said who has an old 1997 pickup the other day. He said when we was asked how much it was worth, he said it was worth $42,000 because that is what a new one would cost him!
It is hard to believe that we will had soon been married 19 years. Time flies when you are enjoying yourself!
I have been keeping up with riding my bike, hitting the heavy bag and the punching bag. Thus far, weather hasn’t really stopped me from riding my bike, and I definitely don’t ride on wet pavement!
I am pleased that, as I ride, the hills get a little easier each day.
Actually, riding my bike taught me a lesson years ago when I first started seriously riding a bike as an adult (in 1999).
I quickly learned if I didn’t try to bike up the hills, I would never be able to bike up the hills! Ditto with riding in the wind, on streets with traffic etc.
I applied that to other areas of my life and hopefully it was good for me. If I don’t try it, I will never do it!
My journal may take on a different pattern over the next several weeks as we take a trip, to see friends and also attend the CMA Fest.
While I like the current pattern, I will have to adjust to our traveling pattern. Probably won’t change much, but I will post whenever I can. The habit of posting each morning is one I look froward too, so may not change at all as we travel.
While I realize it is very unlikely I will bike while we are traveling, I do intend to keep on lifting weights, doing my setups and probably will swim quite a bit.
I am planning on going to the International City Manager’s Association Conference this year I am looking forward to it. While I am not currently involved in it, I still love City government and who knows what will happen.
I enjoy it because it brings up many of the new thoughts in City Management and also the chance to visit with other City Managers
That’s it for now, Wednesday, June 1, 2016.
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