2016 Spring April 20 Wednesday
57 degrees this morning, walk 31;39 minutes.
Shortened walk this morning, tried different route. I need to get back into swimming and bicycling again, especially with the nicer weather coming.
Walking is good, but bicycling gives me a sense of soaring and gliding that nothing else can provide and swimming is also enjoyable in a different way.
There are a lot of bicycle trails in this area, although I have to admit I am not a “trail” rider (or a “trail” walker either). I really prefer walking and riding on the road, although I may have to change on that! However the traffic in the neighborhood isn’t that bad and there is a nice wide trail (and also a nice wide sidewalk) to the YMCA.
I was surprised the other day to get four “LED motion detector nightlights” from GE. Why four, I don’t know, or any explanation. Still welcome.
I set them up so I can dress for exercise in the morning without having to turn on any lights! A small victory in life perhaps, but still a victory (both the devices and setting them up so I don’t need to turn on any lights).
I had sent in the defective LED motion detector nightlight (at their request and a mailing label they sent) so they could analyze what had happened. Hopefully they found out what was wrong.
Something weird happened with my Doctor’s office. I had an appointment time (confirmed both by the “appointment web page” and a voice mail “reminder” of my appointment time. When I got there they advised me I was late and the appointment would need be rescheduled!
Of course, I double checked, and found indeed I was right, but due to the nature of time, it didn’t make a bit of difference. They don’t charge for missed appointments, so I couldn’t really complain too much. I did, but it didn’t really matter!
Of course, I do have the satisfaction of knowing I was indeed right!
My MacBook Air space bar appears to be defective (or my keyboard is dirty). Anyway, I have about 3 months left on the extended warranty, so I am going to take it in for a final checkup.
Since Apple is terminating the “1 to 1” program, I am in no hurry to purchase another computer, in fact I have no intention of purchasing another one until this one develops a fatal problem or it becomes obsolete. Or until they offer touch screen.
Sometimes Apple seems to practice self-defeating behavior, the 1 to 1program was one of the best sales tools they had.
I am still saving my “cash back” dollars for an Apple Watch and an iPad Pro. I’m not ready for the Apple Watch yet (until it becomes self sufficient without an iPhone or has something I “have to have”).
i am looking at the smaller (same size as the regular iPad Air) iPad Pro, maybe get it instead of the larger iPad Pro, otherwise I figure about the time I have enough “cashback” saved up for an iPad Pro, the new version will be out, so I can get the latest version.
Of course then you have the question of whether you get the cell service or go Wifi only. Probably I can piggyback off of the iPhone for what little I would use it outside of areas where Wifi isn’t available.
The great questions of life!
That’s is for now, Wednesday, April 20, 2016.
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