Monday, April 11, 2016

2016 Spring April 11 Monday

59 degrees this morning, no walk (rain)

Rain last night, storm wasn’t go bad here, high winds, hail etc. in other areas.  Spring is here!

Just thinking of how fleeting some things are.  In this case I was thinking of restaurants (or whatever)  that become a part of your life, where you may regularly eat once a week (or whatever) and then they go out of business.

In a way it is like they never existed, but you know they did.  The people who worked there, the people you saw there as “regulars” are elsewhere etc.  

However, in many cases people will talk for years about the restaurant.

Thinking about this because one of our favorite restaurants has shown somewhat of a decline in attendance and it got me thinking of how I would feel if it closed down.  

Nothing against chain restaurants etc. but they really aren’t the same as a locally owned and operated restaurant, as with any business.

Thinking back, I think restaurants become part of the fabric of a community, and a community is a living organism of sorts, and restaurants are part of that fabric.  When they shut down, they change the interactions of the community, a loss that people feel in their everyday life.  

More problems with Cox Cable again, this time of a technical nature.  They tend to over promise and under deliver, rather than vice versa.  I think it is a lot better if a business  under promises and over delivers . 

Tax deadline next week.  Still working on the tax return, we are right on the edge of being able to itemize or not itemize, since we only owned a house for half of the year.  

I don’t mind paying my fair share of taxes, but somehow I feel like I (and millions of similar people) are overpaying while many businesses and individuals are not.  

One of those things you just grit your teeth and realize you can’t really do anything about.  

Yesterday was a day where it actually felt “hot” in the afternoon, a welcome day for me.  I am so glad to feel Spring arriving!

I probably won’t be doing one of my favorite morning activities this summer, sitting out in the back yard reading the paper and writing this journal.  

I will probably enjoy the back yard in other ways, but it really isn’t suitable to my regular summer routine.

For one thing, my weight set is inside now.  My weight bench has been outside since about 2006 and so almost every morning I would be outside doing my setups and weights .

Also, very little of the back patio has a roof (a lack I don’t understand and at some point we hope to add a roof on the patio).  Although I sat a lot on the uncovered part of the patio, having a covered part for when it is raining etc. is also important.

Most important, while we have a nice back yard and don’t have houses “looming” over our back yard, there still is a lack or privacy.  I don’t want a high fence, but we do plan on planting some strategic trees to provide more privacy.  

It appears that was the original part of the addition, but I believe the trees in the small “greenway” in back of our house may have been killed by bad weather.  

By the way not that we have neighbors who are curious or anything, and I doubt if anyone really cares what I do  in the morning,  it is just the general “feeling” of a lack of privacy. 

Not a big deal, but it will be different, and sometimes different is good!  So far I have greatly enjoyed my area of the house where I  do my morning activities and I certainly enjoy it more in the winter, I don’t know how I will feel this summer, but I will see!

That’s it for now, Monday, April 11, 2016.  

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