57 degrees this morning, no walk (rain coming in)
Obviously April 19, 1995 is on everyone’s memory who was here than as some lunatics blew up the Murrah Building. 21 years have gone by since then.
As with most such events, I can picture exactly where I was at the time I learned about it and I can vividly remember many of the scenes after April 19.
I remember how it rained and rained almost like the earth was crying until Mothers Day, when the sun suddenly came out and everything was calm.
I was surprised to see rain clouds this morning, I had thought the rain was out for some time! Actually the rain thus far (around here anyway), has been the nice quiet slow rain that is probably best for the land, as far as trees , flowers, crops etc are concerned.
This state has a “right to farm” bill coming up for popular vote. Of course all it is is protection for big business to operate without regulation, not any protection for the small farmer.
It is hard to believe that people would believe something like our food should not have any regulation.
Or worse yet, it could open up the inability to control people who want to grow pigs in their back yards in a crowded housing subdivision.
Another attempt to benefit the few at the expense of the many by trickery and lies in an attempt to enrich themselves even more.
To say farming is over-regulated in this state is a joke, just like oil and gas is over regulated. In my opinion it needs more regulation.
Th earthquakes are getting more frequent and more severe, although they seem to run in cycles as to where they happen.
I am amazed by the battery life of some of my Apple products. The Shuffles which I figure are at least nine years old continue to hum along and my iPhone 3, long retired from service as a phone, still works fine as a device to listen to books and music.
Still listening with interest (when I get a chance to walk) to “War and Peace”. Another example of the fact that no matter how many advancements there are or the passage of time, many human conditions and circumstances don’t change!
I believe the novel is set in the 1805 time frame. I need to read up more on the actual time of the novel and also maybe even find a summary of the novel to help me in understanding it better asI listen.
While I enjoy listening to books,you miss something by not reading the actual book, although audiobooks also have their advantages!
That’s it for now, Tuesday, April 19, 2016.
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