63 degrees this morning,44:19 minutes walking.
Saturday morning! We were on the tip of some weird weather yesterday, although all we got was some hard rain.
Office day yesterday. Basically completing paperwork from my “field day” and making phone calls.
Started reading a novel tonight and actually got into it. First time for a while since I have sat down and really gotten involved in a novel. I am always thinking of something else I should be doing. It has been a long time, but it has been several months since I have really gotten involved in a novel.
So many seem to be the “same old same old” now. I used to enjoy the same format, now I want a different format.
I was surprised I enjoyed listening to novels (as opposed to non-fiction) but I enjoy both. Right now I am listening to non-fiction “Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth and Faith in the New China”, a really wonderful book. (I also read it, and, as I mentioned before, am surprised at how much I missed when I read it.)
It is a different view of China. I read the “Shanghai Daily” on the internet and it is rather entertaining and informative.
Looking forward to the weekend. The week seemed to go fast.
The “Code Enforcement 101” last night was interesting for what I learned, but it was also interesting to see the variety of residents present. All sorts of neighborhoods were represented. (It was coordinated by the Neighborhood Alliance.)
It is good the city is trying, or tries to get neighborhoods involved, but the efforts seem to stop when it comes to developers, builders and businesses. Then it is give them what they want and ask if there is anything else they can do to help them at the expense of the residents. I am serious about that. The lack of planning here is truly horrible and almost negligence.
I didn’t have any major dreams, but did’ remember some parts of several dreams yesterday:
Dream 4-24-15
Dream that included scenes on a farm and on a ship. I was with a group of four people I can’t remember enough of it by now to put down the details. I started writing hoping more details would come back as I wrote.
We were trying to get something done, I’m not sue what.In the last scene I was was looking a a relative and wondering if I could see a resemblance to me or anyone of my family.
(later, same day)
Dream I was in a shopping center. I was on the second floor, kind of a loft. I was trying to call someone on an old-style coin pay phone. Don’t know whom I was trying to call
Aliene was somewhere, but I was waiting for her in the loft.
Several other characters were involved, not id’d, except for one person. At times, it seemed like the loft was a hotel registration desk.
Reminded me of a place in Denver, but it wasn’t a hotel, it was a HRC.
(later, same day)
Aliene and I were in a car. We were watching a lady digging in her garden (or whatever). As we watched, she suddenly threw dirt on our car windshield (drivers side), It was a lot of dirt, not just a handful.
My first thought was how I was going to clean my windshield and drive.
woke up
That’s it for now, Saturday, April 25, 2015
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