Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Spring 2015 April 14 Tuesday

54 degrees this morning.  44:33 minutes walking.

Thought Spring/Summer weather was here, but.. Yesterday was rainy and cold.  Didn’t feel like Winter, but it sure didn’t feel like Spring!

Aliene is still recovering from neck surgery, but I observe her feeling better every day.  It is a long process.  However, soon she will have had her neck brace on for two of the six weeks, so soon she will be on the down slope!  

On the really good side, her hands are already feeling much better and her head aches are gone!

Thinking of how fast progress is (not including what I don’t know about!), in the late 1990’s, I saw the first time I ever saw a car key fob with a trunk opener on it.  Now, every car has it, just like they all have electric windows, safety items, etc.  

One of the reasons I saw for leasing cars the other day was that progress is so fast you don’t want to own a car, since, like computers, it will be obsolete in three years due to all of the safety advances and electronic advances!  On the other hand computers have a long life for basic items as do cars.

i have to admit, the car I use for work may only be a Toyota Camry, but I throughly enjoy the extras on it, such as the sunroof, heated seats, side radar that warns of vehicles  in the blind spot, detection of vehicles coming when the car is in reverse etc.  

Went to the Library yesterday.  As usual, I can’t resist picking up a book that looks interesting even when I really don’t have time to read it.  I figure if I really want to  read it, I’ll make time for it.

At a conference years ago, we heard Wes Moore speak about “The other Wes Moore”, which was about a person with the same name who was in prison and, I believe, had had a similar life.  Anyway it was another book by  him, than a book on “sustainability” etc. 

Latest Dream, which I have no idea what it means:


Dream  I was dancing a very fast dance on a dance floor. My partner andI I were the only persons on the dance floor.  Extremely fast dances.  A group of people walked across the floor and my partner became part of that group

I was thinking of a class or meeting I had to leave to go to.

Our Dance Instructor we had over 13 years ago, (actually I started in 1994 so this is over 21 years for me and 20 years for Aliene) came up and talked to the group. They were asking him out to eat and he was joking he would if they would buy him steak

He was the living image of him 13 years ago, and just the way he acted then.

I was thinking I needed to go get Aliene and go out to supper with him.  I was waiting for him to ask about Aliene when I woke up.

Planning on an office day to catch up on some paperwork, although that could change.  A good day for an office day since the rain is supposed to continue.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, April 14, 2015.

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