Friday, April 17, 2015

Spring 2015 April 17 Friday (The Return of the Terrorist Bird)

Spring 2015 April 17 Friday (The Return of the Terrorist Bird)

63 degrees this morning.  Started walk, stopped after light rain started.

Decided not to walk after light rain started early in my walk.  My route is rather linear and at one point I am about a mile from the house (or more) so I decided to end my walk when it started raining. Of course, it stopped when I got back and never started again.

The weather app said “zero” % chance of rain (with heavy rain starting later).  I thought about believing the app, but then decided actual experience may be a better information source to follow.  

No matter what the app said, it was raining!

“The Bird” is back.  Last year when we first moved in, we had a terrorist bird that had a nest (actually two) right over our front door.  

As you can imagine, the mess was horrible.  Worse yet, the bird (I  call it a blue jay, i could be another brand of bird), started attacking visitors.  

We tore out the nest (not with any pleasure, we felt sorry for the bird, but….)and the next was immediately built back.

We tore it out again, and purchased “Henry the Owl”, a large plastic Owl.

For several weeks, our front door (and Henry the Owl) were dive bombed by 8 or so birds who would dive bomb the front door and sit in menacing manner near the front door.

This kept on for a week or so, and then seemed to subside.  

Anyway, for the past several weeks when I go out the front door here are now one to about four birds who sit on the front gutter watching the front door.  

At times, I have seen several birds dive bombing the owl, but I don’t see any signs of a nest.  

Meanwhile, the bird/s sit and watch, I know not for what!

Anyway, it’s Friday!  It seems like it has been a long week, perhaps because of the weather.  Looking forward to the weekend.

Actually, I really enjoy my work week also, but it is nice to have a two day break.  

The new area seems to be going well and is going to be interesting, I am winding down the old area and getting acquainted with the new area.  

Went to the baseball game last night.  I still ate more than I intended, but I am becoming more moderate. 

it was a perfect night for a game.  We were pleased too see one of our favorite baseball players (Darwin Barney) whom we used to enjoy watching on the Cubs.   Although we were pleased to see him in person, we were disappointed to see him playing for a minor league team, but found our he was probably here  temporarily in one of those actions MLB baseball t ams have to take occasionally and he was probably here     on a very   temporary assignment, so we will enjoy w watching him while he is here.

Aliene is still recovering nicely.  She is not past week two of wearing the neck brace (hopefully no more than six weeks) and basically has to watch and not do too much, which is difficult for here!

That’s it for now, Friday, April 17, 2015

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