Thursday, April 30, 2015

Spring 2015 April 30 Thursday

Aliene got good news yesterday, the Doctor said  surgery was very successful.  She has to wear the neck brace for some activities (riding in a car, walking etc.), but otherwise can resume normal activities.

Otherwise she doesn’t need to wear it and can start gradually exercising her neck.  

That was good news to say the least!

She can also start driving, although she is still taking some pain medicine, so she won’t drive while she is taking the pain medicine, although she takes smaller doses every day.  

Now, she would like to start her exercise and walking program again.  She probably will wait until after we move, assuming everything goes ok.

I am puzzled by the excitement over “Netflix” the movie/program streaming service.  I tried it for a month and  tried to find three movies I wanted to watch.

Netflix didn't have a single one of them, so I canceled the account.  I don’t really watch “series” so that didn’t interest me.  (The last series I watched was Hill Street Blues if that tells you anything.)

There has been a lot of excitement in the stock market in investing in Netflix.  

A lot of people like it, so it must have it’s good points.  I just can’t find them for me.

Another concern is, who is going to provide the band width for all of this?  Talk about “cutting the cord” all you want,   you still have to purchase band width from a cable company  and the more you stream, he more bandwidth you use.  

I think it is strange I haven’t heard more about this being a problem.  

It is even worst on mobile where they kill you  cost wise on bandwidth aa the actual amount available  

I know when I stream CNBC I can use up to 28 gig per day, although it normally is about 15 gig.  This would kill out my whole smart phone plan in one-third of a day! 

Anyway, that is the major  reason I can’t get enamored with the idea of Netflix, amazon etc. as far as streaming content.  Amazon’s quality is also suspect, as is their pricing, at least in my experience.   Increased  technology could change that.  

Wonderful day yesterday, in spite of the cold start  Hopefully, it will keep up!  Even though it was cold this morning (43 degrees), I enjoyed the walk.  No real wind, which helped a  lot.

Every Spring, I somehow get it my subconscious mind that it is Spring and warm weather is there.  Then I am disappointed when the cold weather returns for a short visit!

I remember one year the “Bartlett Pears” were proudly out in full bloom, a sudden freeze came in and the Bartlett pear looked like it was in complete shock before it started turning brown. 

I am waiting for the blaze of color that announces Spring.  Maybe it doesn’t too that like like it does in Memphis. 

That’s it for now, Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Spring 2015 April 29 Wednesday

43 degrees this morning, 44:46 minutes waking

Recently read where the city next to us has 80% participation in recycling!  I looked out the door and saw three persons (of about 20 houses) doing any recycling at all in my neighborhood!  It seems the city we live in could make more efforts to recycle and make it easier to recycle!

One thing I can say, as i mentioned yesterday morning, I see very few loose dogs and I haven’t seen any cats, which is really unusual.

I have seen a lot of rabbits, ever since I moved here.  Nothing against rabbits, I’m glad they are doing well.  As I alluded to yesterday, our dog  when I ws a kid  (“puppy”- a very original name) liked to chase and eat rabbits.  Very few rabbits could outrun Puppy.

As I remember it, we started off with one calico cat and when we moved, we much have had at least 50 cats.

Puppy and the cats never got along (he would chase the cats), and until years later I assumed no dogs or cats actually got along.

The bird made me think of it.  The cats on the farm would play with the birds (or vice versa).  Sometimes, the bird would end up being lunch for the cat.  

The birds would actually tease the cats by dive-bombing at them.  Maybe they were protecting their families, but I have a feeling they were just harassing the cat.  However, I never saw a cat be lunch for a bird!  

To my disgust last night, I spent a lot of time looking for an e-mail I needed to read, instead of other stuff I needed to do.  I found out I had moved it to the “deleted” folder instead of the appropriate folder.  Even the best of us make mistakes occasionally!

In about two weeks Summer should be here in actuality as well as by the calendar. ThAANK goodness!  I tire, tire tired of winter and cold weather.  

Busy day today at work “in the field”.  I worked completely  in the new area.  It was fun.  It is a lot different than my old area, must denser as far as businesses etc.  

Aliene is going to the Doctor (Surgeon) today, her first followup since her operation.  Overall, I think she is satisfied with the operation and feels it really helped her hands and headaches.   

A short dream from yesterday:
4 28 15 Dream
Remember ending of Dream.

Driving in the current city but ending in Memphis, I drove to an intersection without a stop light and slightly overshot the intersection (past the crosswalk).

A traffic policeman looked at me and I backed up up after I thought he motioned to back up

I looked and I was right next to a large pole, which blocked my  view and I wondered if I could drive past it.

It was like an intersection in Memphis except I was in another city (and the actual intersection doesn’t have a pole like that)

Not sure what happened before this.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, April 29, 2015.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Spring 2015 April 28 Tuesday (Record, Rain, Rabbits)

49 degrees this morning, 43:58 minutes walking.

A record this morning on my walk!  Probably trying to outwalk the rain.  Weather App said “100%” chance of rain during my normal walk time.  Remembering yesterday, I walked anyway and it never rained. 

I can understand weather forecasting is tough, but to me, 100% means 100%! Why not say “99%”?    I will need to go outside to check the weather in the future!

The Bird is back.  I was concerned I may have injured it, but yesterday morning, when I went out to get the paper, there he/she was.  I think it was the male bird, since he was brighter.  

He looked so miserable and defensive, I gave him a break and didn’t chase him off.

However, I can’t  afford to let him stay, it is a very strategic location for making a mess as well as dive-bombing visitors (and us).

I didn’t realize a bird could look so defenseless, pathetic and helpless.  

A lot of rabbits out this morning.  I counted at least 10 rabbits on the street in various areas!  I am glad the dog we had when I was a kid (“Puppy”) isn’t around or he would have been chasing them all over the place!

Actually, I have only seen a dog one time during my walk.  It scared he heck out of me, but it was a friendly dog.  Apparently doesn’t chase rabbits.

When the rain finally started yesterday, it pretty well kept up all day.  It was one of those cold, miserable rains that you think is never doing to quit.

On the other hand, it was a steady rain that probably soaked into the ground.  

One good thing about the rain, we went out to look at the house so we could see any drainage problems.  We noted one area where we thought some improvements could be made.  
We wanted to make sure we complained about it loud and often after having to make some very expensive drainage improvements at our last house. 

We are at the point where we are starting to mentally configure how we are going to move into the house.  We figure we never really know if everything is ok until the closing, but it is something we need to start thinking about.

Dream 5-17-15
Dreamed on 5th floor of hotel or office building

I wanted to go to the lobby and I was on the 5th floor and holding a baby.  I couldn’t remember where I got the baby but seemed like a grand baby or great-grandbaby. 

A couple came and went to the sixth floor and asked about the baby.

Hit the elevator button, but the elevator door kept on opening and closing fast.  I held it open and suddenly a whole line of people came in.  I didn’t have any idea where they came from so suddenly.

I realized I didn’t have the baby and stepped out to look for the baby.

The floor was full of people including several children and babies, but I didn’t see the baby I had been holding.  (The floor had been unoccupied before that)

I started to panic, but woke up.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, April 28, 2015.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Spring 2i015 April 27 Monday

52 degrees this morning; no walk due to weather (Actually the weather app said 100% chance of rain when i normally walk, but it didn’t rain!)

Monday again.  I like the weekend, but I also like the start of the week on Monday.

I think the fight with the bird is over.  Unfortunately Sunday morning  I tapped he area below the bird to wake the bird and tell it to leave, when it flew into my walking stick.  I haven’t seen it since, but I hope ti wasn’t injured. 

So many times, an injury to something, specially in the wild, means it is vulnerable to other predators, so it is basically a sure death.                                                                                                 

Went to a baseball game yesterday.  I had told Aliene if the ball came her way I was going to have to jump in front of her since she can’t move her neck and isn’t supposed to lean etc.

I went out, and while I was out, I heard the announce saying something about a foul ball just missing a fan in the  area where we were sitting (although it just referred to the level of seats rather than the area).  I thought about the ball hitting close to Aliene but  thought that would be too much of a coincidence.

As I was coming back, one of the attendants for the area excitingly advised me that the ball had almost hit Aliene!  

Actually, it was over as fast as she knew it was coming but it was still too close for comfort!

(After hearing the story, everyone asks “who got the ball”, but it actually bounced to another level.)

That reminds me of when I was in the Air Force and went to a minor league baseball game.  A ball hit my car window and broke out the drivers side window.  Someone took the ball!

I am still adjusting to the “all you  can eat baseball food” without making a total pig of  myself.  I usually have a hot dog (no bun), a chicken breast, some chicken fingers and some peanuts.  

Later, I get a “big pretzel & cheese” and some peanut M&M’s.  

Not a good diet, I admit, but breakfast was the only other meal I had today!

Trying to either throw or sort items to donate or sell to reduce the amount of “stuff” we have.  

Actually not going bad (slow), but it is wearing .  

I think renting a house versus owning/buying a house is like the difference between dating and being married!  (I won’t go into any more detail than that, Use your imagination or experience!) 

Anyway, it affects the quality of your daily life, at least when it comes time to move or decide whether to move! 

Let’s just say I am ready to settle down with a house and hope it is the  last time I have to move, or at least the last time for several years 

Major storms were predicted for yesterday and today, especially late last night.  When it was first forecast they were predicted for 6:00 p.m., but the actual storm kept being delayed.  Actually most of it was south of us. 

It rained a little bit last night, but nothing like was forecast.

That’s it for today, Monday, April 27, 2015.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Spring 2015 April 26 Sunday (Coffee Cups)

63 degrees this morning, 45:06 minutes walk

Wonderful day yesterday.  Wearing shorts, t-shirt and scandals as the day went on.  Probably some storms coming in today.  

2015 is now almost 4 months gone, 1/3 of the year already!  Next Saturday, we will have been here ten months and I will have been working 8 months.  Strange how time seems so short and yet so long!  It seems a lot longer than 10 and 8 months, and yet it doesn’t.  

I’m not saying it’s good or bad, sometimes you just have to roll with the waves.  

Aliene is progressing well, supposed to see the surgeon this week for the first follow-up visit since her neck surgery.  

We also have the “final walk-through”” of our house this week, assuming the loan is approved the house is appraised at the right amount.  

We haven’t really packed yet, of course waiting for final approval.  We have 45 days after closing to move, but it will go fast.

I have started seriously tossing and arranging stuff for donations etc.  I’m trying to apply the “Toothbrush” test to each item.  

Something I haven’t worn, read or looked at for 25 years, or even 13 years I probably don’t nee to cart around anymore1

I love to drink coffee etc. while I drive, but I have not found a coffee mug that works-i.e., one that doesn’t spill on my shirt.

The only cup I have found that I trust not to spill is McDonalds.  Fortunately I like McDonalds coffee and they usually will say “I’ll make a fresh pot” when I ask if they have fresh coffee.  

Starbucks has excellent coffee, but there coffee cup is not good.  I spill it just getting in the car.  

I can’t really say that Starbucks coffee is better than McDonalds.  (I only drink black coffee, I don’t  drink any of the other drinks with sugar/cream/milk etc.).  It is different, but not necessarily better or worse. 

I don’t care for Dunkin Donuts coffee and much other coffee is so uneven that it is hard to get coffee and be sure you will get a decent cup of coffee.

The worst coffee at a regular restaurant is TGIFridays.  It is horrible coffee.  

However, the most consistently excellent coffee is—Taco Bell!!.  I think it is some kind of insant coffee, but it is always fresh and always good.  However, to prevent substantial weight gain, I need to avoid Taco Bell except on special and rare occasions!  

Anyway, the purpose of all of this is that in the Wall Street Journal, I saw where a person mentioned the cup he used and it is supposed to “seal” and not leak and also is very good at keeping hot hot, and cold, cold.  It is the Contigo Autodial Randolph Stainless Steel Travel Mug. 
A unsolicited and unpaid recommended by Scott McCoud, whoever he is.  I mention it here for my benefit, so I don’t need to save the paper or download the story from the internet.  It is supposedly available at Target etc.

I’m going to try one more coffee mug and see if it works!  Especially with my liking of both coffee and diet Gold Peak tea, I could use one of maybe even two (one for coffee and one for tea) in my “field days”s. 

That’s it for now, Sunday, April 26, 2015 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Spring 2015 April 25 Saturday

63 degrees this morning,44:19  minutes walking.

Saturday morning!  We were on the tip of some weird weather yesterday, although all we got was some hard rain.  

Office day yesterday.  Basically completing paperwork from my “field day” and making phone calls. 

Started reading a novel tonight and actually got into it.  First time for a while since I have sat down and really gotten involved in a novel.  I am always thinking of something else I should be doing.  It has been a long time, but it has been several  months since I have really gotten involved in a novel.  

So many seem to be the “same old same old” now.  I used to enjoy the same format, now I  want a different format.

I was surprised I enjoyed listening to novels (as opposed to non-fiction) but I enjoy both.  Right now I am listening to non-fiction “Age of Ambition:  Chasing Fortune, Truth and Faith in the New China”, a really wonderful book.  (I also read it, and, as I mentioned before, am surprised at how much I missed when I read it.)

It is a different view of China.  I read the “Shanghai Daily” on the internet and it is rather entertaining and informative.  

Looking forward to the weekend.  The week seemed to go fast.  

The “Code Enforcement 101” last night was interesting for what I learned, but it was also interesting to see the variety of residents present.  All sorts of neighborhoods were represented.  (It was coordinated by the Neighborhood Alliance.)  

It is good the city is trying, or tries to get neighborhoods involved, but the efforts seem to stop when it comes to developers, builders and businesses.  Then it is give them what they want and ask if there is anything else they can do to help them at the expense of the residents.  I am serious about that.  The lack of planning here is truly horrible and almost negligence.

I didn’t have any major dreams, but did’ remember some parts of several dreams yesterday:

Dream 4-24-15

Dream that included scenes on a farm and on a ship. I was with a group of four people I can’t remember enough of it by now to put down the details.  I started  writing hoping more details would come back as I wrote.

We were trying to get something done, I’m not sue what.In the last scene I was was looking a a relative and wondering if I could see a resemblance to me or anyone of my family.  

(later, same day)

Dream I was in a shopping center.  I was on the second floor, kind of  a loft.  I was trying to call someone on an old-style coin pay phone.  Don’t know whom I was trying to call

Aliene was somewhere, but I was waiting for her in the loft.

Several other characters were involved, not id’d, except for one person.  At times, it seemed like the loft was a hotel registration desk.

Reminded me of a place in Denver, but it wasn’t a hotel, it was a HRC.

(later, same day)

Aliene and I were in a car.  We were watching a lady digging in her garden (or whatever).  As we watched, she suddenly threw dirt on our car windshield (drivers side),   It was a lot of  dirt, not just a handful.

My first thought was how I was going to clean my windshield and drive.

woke up

That’s it for now, Saturday, April 25, 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015

Spring 2015 April 24 Friday

62 degrees this morning, 45:55 minutes walking

Light fog this morning, almost like a light rain.

The bird is still coming back to where it’s nest used to be and just sits there.  I feel rather hard-hearted, but that is the one place I can’t let the bird stay!  (Creates too much of a mess).  

It is weird, only one of them is there, it is the female bird one night and the male bird the next night.  (Both of them sit on the gutter, but only one of them sits on the door frame where their next used to be.

Aliene is still progressing well.  She has her ups and downs, but I can see the progress.  Today is three weeks for her neck brace.  She sees the surgeon next week for her followup visit so she will know a lot more then.  She expects to wear the neck brace six weeks, so it that holds true, she is past the half-way point!

I went to a “Code Enforcement 101” last night, put on by the city for residents.  It wasn’t quite what I thought it was, but but it was good.  

If nothing else, it showed the staff are very dedicated about their jobs.  

I had my chance to complain about the lack of recycling, compliment them on the bulk pickup and ask about mud on the streets, parking on sidewalks etc.

I found out I should report mud and grass on the street since it pollutes the groundwater (I know that, but I was glad to hear them confirm this and they were actively engaged in preventing it.)  

They did say to call on cars blocking the sidewalk and they would explain to them that it was illegal.  Based on my walks, they are going to have to talk to a bunch of people!  It seems like there will be blocks were no one blocks the sidewalk and other blocks where half the cars park on the sidewalk.

One person even set up a basketball goal on the sidewalk.  The city did advise them to move the goal.  

Field day yesterday, one of the complete days where I was in my new territory.  I enjoyed it. 

We soon should know if we will be moving or not, as the “closing” date gets closer.  I read where they say people our age should have our house paid off, so we are really swimming against the stream to get a loan!    With interest rates where they are, it just makes sense.

We seriously thought about renting, and there are a lot of good reasons to rent, especially when we had such a good property management firm.  If we had to have something done, they got it done.  

Also, if the house was damaged by a storm we didn’t have to worry about it.

Another (and perhaps the best) reason is illustrated here.  Due to a horrible builder, the front driveway is sinking and will probably cost thousands of dollars to fix and is a huge liability for the owner.  

Seeing that happen almost makes you decide never trust a house not to be defective!  Also, I was on a ladder and saw there the kitchen cabinets were mis-measured and the builder simply left  them rather than correct it since I assume he thought no one would ever see it.

Major r reasons we decided to buy a house included the tax benefits and, perhaps most important, control.  We don’t have to worry about the house selling and having to move, the owner drastically raising the rent and just having the ability to make changes we see fit!

That’s it for now, Friday, April 24, 2015.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Spring 2015 April 23 Thursday

57  degrees this morning, 45:05 minute walk.

This is the time of year which is almost worse than winter (but not).  There is that chill in the air (especially in the morning and evening) until almost mid-May, although there are wonderful days also.

The dispute with the birds continues.  Both the male and female are no2 present most of the time either together or separately.  Normally they hang out on the gutter in front of the house and glare at us, at night  I find them over the front door where the nest used to be. 

Of course I have to chase them out, or they will create a mess on the front porch.  

So far, they haven’t started building the nest yet, which is what I’m really trying to prevent.  

I am surprised the birds are so persistent.  At times, they start dive bombing the owl, other times they just sit on the gutter and glare at us.  (Obviously I am assuming their stares are meant to be glares.)

Our neighborhood is gathering (actually all the neighborhoods in this area) to try to stop, or at least get information on, a development that would be 178 “attached” houses on 28 acres, or about 6 house per acre not counting streets, open space (if any, who knows around here) and absolutely no improvements to the street systems to handle probably 300 more cars per day!

I wouldn’t doubt it a bit if the developer was allowed to build all the houses without any recreational areas (or public space) and no improvements to the streets!

That is what this city is like.  The number of apartments is simply amazing.  Nothing wrong with attached houses or apartments in the right place, with provision for recreation, traffic etc. but somehow this  city seems to forgot about the infrastructure and traffic part.  

They are looking at “rooftops” to get more commercial businesses since cities in this state depend on the local option sales tax.  

I think it is a matter of “balance”.  All of this is fine, but they need to balance development with infrastructure, provision for increased traffic etc. and not kissing the hand of the developers, builders and businesses and giving them everything they want and more and ignoring the current residents.  

Heavy rains yesterday morning, with some lightning.  Somehow I got my walk in yesterday morning without any rain.

I occasionally listen to a book I have read, or read a book I listened to, or both listen to and read a book at the same time.  

I am always amazed at how much I miss in one media that I catch in the other.  I have to wonder  how much I actually miss in daily reading and conversation.

I remember reading  how much we actually remember of what we read, listen to or see, and it is an extremely small part.  I don’t recall exactly, but it is less than 50% even in the short term and much less in the long term.

I believe it was a session on how “stories” (I believe they were called “parables” in the past)  help us remember key points.  

I usually find if I “use” something as soon as I learn it, I tend to remember it much longer.

In fact, generally I find I learn something much better if I have a use for it before I start to learn it.  For example, I learned Excel when I had to do a budget, I learn parts of Evernote I can use immediately etc.

That’s it for now, Thursday, April 23, 2015.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Spring 2015 April 22 Wednesday (The Bird, Earth Day, Tamales and Denver "back then")

57 degrees this morning. 46:13 minute walk

Earth Day today.  Reminds me I want to get an “Urban Forestry” tag for our car.  The regular state tag is so ugly, I thought I would get one as soon as we got  our car tag, but I liked the number!  

Walked out this morning, noticed the “the bird” shivering by itself where the nest used to be.  (The bird and it’s mate were hanging around all day yesterday and dive bombing me).  Feeling a little hard-hearted, I rousted it out with my walking stick.

Wednesday already, and the work week is going to be on the down side tonight.  I never even used to really think of the days of the week.  I rarely went into the office on weekends, but I probably worked at least 8 hours over the weekend.  Now, at 4:00 p.m. Friday, I’m definitely off until Monday morning.  I’m still not real used to that.

Speaking of how small things can change your life, I don’t know for sure why I went to Denver to work over the summer when I was a Freshman in college, but I’m sure it changed my life.  

I worked at Samsonite luggage in the factory.  The first summer I made the small over-night cases, I worked the start of  the factory line.  It was a definitely new experience for me, as was living in a city the size of Denver.  

Strange coincidences, I moved to an apartment next door to my high school principal!  I tool the bus and walked every place i went since I didn’t have a car.

A completely different experience for someone who grew up on a farm and lived in very small towns all his life!

I like to say my grades substantially after a summer of working in a factory (they did).  Nothing wrong with the work, but I didn’t want to spend my life doing that.  Actually, there were some extremely nice people there.

The second summer at Samsonite wasn’t quite as much fun.  I went out with some other guys and it just wasn’t the same.  Also, my job in the factory was punching a button and watching rubber grow cold, which was boriiiing!  

Anyway, my horizon was greatly expanded by my experiences, including spending a night in the bus station and one time in the downtown Denver park when I missed the bus.

It also gave me a lifelong liking for Tamales. The first summer they had these wonderful steamed tamales on street corners for, I believe a quarter.  The second summer, they were gone, but I always try tamales, hoping to find some of those wonderful street corner tamales. I have had some good tamales, but not like the ones that first summer in Denver!

I go back to Denver now, everything has changed and I don’t recognize anything, except maybe the mountains and the state capital.  

But any city is that way.  Even the farm I  grew up on is different, with most of the buildings gone, and it always looks smaller than I remember it.  

The roads are still muddy, not even graveled yet!  Of course the “new” Highway 75 I remember is now the “old” 75, although it hasn’t been replaced yet.

when I lived there in the summers of college there was no smog.  When I returned about 5 years  later (I was stationed there for school in the Air Force), there was a haze of smog in the air.  At least, that is the way I  remember it.

Aliene is doing find and progressing well.  Tomorrow (Thursday) she will have three weeks left in the neck brace, assuming everything goes well.  

We will probably soon know if our loan has been approved, although we don’t for see any  real problems other than our ages, and of course that can be quite a barrier, I have found.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Spring 2015 April 21, 2015 (Small Decisions, Planning)

57 degrees this morning, 46:10 minute walk

Almost didn’t walk this morning, 40% chance of rain during my normal walk.

Thinking about how small decisions can affect our lives.  The chance meeting that leads to a job, family, disaster etc.  The missed flight that crashes etc. 

Last night, on a TV baseball game, a fan got hit by a batted ball as she made her way to her seat.  What are the chances of that!

In the end, a bunch of small decisions frequently become a major decision, or at least a major change in your life.

Looking back, while I can see how times when I knew I had a major decision to make, probably 90% of the time, my alternatives were restricted by previous decisions made without any thought!

Currently going through the process of purchasing a house.  Or sometimes it seems like they set up a number of sadistic barriers to prove you aren’t a (put in whatever is the threat of the moment), etc., when something simpler would be much easier and more effective.  

After doing my taxes and now trying to purchase a house (or more precisely, get a loan to purchase a house), I am beginning to think someone in the government thinks all I have is time to waste on bogus, duplicate paperwork.  Probably mostly paperwork that no one ever reads.

Speaking of government, this city is unbelievable in their poor planning.  While my neighborhood isn’t directly affected, nearby there is a large development going in.  No planning for the increased traffic etc. 

The neighbors received a notice to find out it is a “done deal” and all they want to do is increase the number of houses and reduce the public space!  Meanwhile, there is no provision for traffic into the addition, parks etc.  

This is definitely a city for developers, businesses and builders, not for residents.  Residents appear to be the last to be considered.

My latest dream-I think they are getting weirder as I remember them more. 

ream 5-20-15

Dreamed I was talking a walk  The walk was kind of routine until the last part where I walked past a police car who had stopped a motorcycle.

I”m not sure of the location but it seemed familiar with brick streets
 and a lot of trees.

I had seen a motorcycle stopped before this..

When I walked past it was like there were two or three officers standing by a motorcycle.  The motorcycle driver looked relieved.

As I walked past I suddenly felt someone grabbing my back almost to the shoulders, not a grab but more of a hard rub.

I turned around and a strangely dressed Police Officer (or law enforcement officer) with yellow sun glasses started speaking to me in a strange language, something about how I hadn’t walked in a straight line on my walk.

I kept trying to understand him but the language was impossible to understand and got more difficult, where I couldn’t understand anything he was saying.

I woke up.  What’s it mean?  I really have no idea, but  it is interesting to see some of the similar themes in my   dreams.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, April 21, 2015