Saturday, November 09, 2013

Fall 2013 November 9 Saturday

39 degrees this morning.  Didn't seem to be that cold.
Saturday morning on a three-day weekend!  I like looking ahead and seeing a clean slate for several days!  The possibilities are unlimited!  (so to speak!)
I have started watching a recording of "Mad Money" in the morning.  While I don't pay as much attention to it as I probably should, it is probably better for me than watching music videos (and almost as entertaining!)  I used to try to watch the news in the morning, but I prefer "hard" news and not the talking heads trying to tell me what to think or slanting the "news" so much it is it just their opinion.  
I still get most of my news from the Newspapers (either printed or electronic).  Probably one reason is I don't have the patience to watch long winded reports or even videos (I "read" the on-line USA today every day, I think it is a great format, but I never watch the videos since they take too much time to convey the information.  Saying that, I do watch (several days a week)  a recording of the national news (NBC and ABC) so I can speed through any boring reports or the "feel good" (or bad) reports they fill their time with.  We also watch a recording of several of the Sunday morning shows (Meet the Press, Face the Nation, This Week, 60 minutes) with the remote in hand ready to speed through some of the more bland or the bizarre behavior by the "guests" when they yell over each other.  I don't know what the host doesn't keep them in line.
Watching some of the early music videos I am always stuck by how the singers have noticeably aged through the years (just like me!).  Nothing wrong with it, it is just a fact of life, but the change is rather startling. I expect I would see the same thing in movies and tv shows if I watched them.  
The last "regular" tv show I watched was "Hill Street Blues" so it has been a while since I watched a tv show.  Just a matter of time and quite frankly, priorities for the use of my time.  Aliene likes to watch "CSI" tv shows when I am at work.  Maybe some day I will get on Netflix or Hula and watch an entire series in one day!  Probably after I retire, which I hope is a long time off and I hope I don't have the time after I retire either!

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