54 degrees. Amazing how the weather can change!
Saturday morning, a good time! I had planned to get get some things done this morning (like getting my new iPad Air up and running) but got caught up in responding to e-mail from yesterday (and I hate to say it, but some from Thursday also!). Such is life.
Hopefully I can catch up on my newspapers, magazines and mail today. With all of the meetings and just being busy I am woefully behind. Of course, they will just be tossed today if I don't read them. That is the most effective way I know to deal with accumulated newspapers and magazines. Normally I would have tossed he newspapers yesterday, but I made a slight exception today since I just didn't have time yesterday to finish up. They will be out by noon today no matter what, read or unread. I have too many tendencies of a "hoarder" to let anything accumulate.
Still listening to "A Brief History of Time". I am also reading a rather interesting book, " The Laws of Subtraction" (by Matthew May). His comments on how minimal may be better are interesting. I haven't read enough of it yet to really develop a comprehensive view of the concept, but it has been interesting so far.
Going to download a copy of the latest Doris Kearns Goodwin Book (The Bully Pulpit, I believe) to listen to. I also bought a "hard copy". She really is an interesting historian and i have read all of her books at least once.
I first heard her speak at a conference and have heard her several times since in person and of course see her on tv all the time. At the same conference I also heard Beck Weathers ("Left for Dead", which started me on reading a number of books on mountain climbing. I have absolutely no desire to be a mountain climber, but I enjoy reading about it and watching it. Kind of like boxing, I never want to do it, but I love watching it and wonder what and why anyone would torment themselves so much. Boxing has the excuse of making money, but very few mountain climbers (other than guides) make much money at their sport. It still is fascinating to read about and Beck Weathers and Doris Kearns Goodwin gave me a lot to read! Doris Kearns Goodwin books on Presidents (Johnson, FDR, the early days of JFK, Lincoln and her book on baseball) are super, but take some time to read. I wish she would do one on Truman.
After seeing her at a conference, she actually sat right next to us at the airport restaurant (a TGIFriday's). Like sitting next to any celebrity, we told her we enjoyed her talk and then didn't bother her. It was fun meeting her though and she was very nice.
I always have a problem getting used to the early darkness, and the worst part it here. I always can't wait until Dec. 21 before the daylight starts getting better again.
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