Saturday, November 30, 2013

Fall 2013 November 30 Saturday

41 degrees.
Saturday morning, Thanksgiving Holidays are over, weekend begins!
Missed the opportunity for a trial period of all of the upgrades available for Wordpress.  Didn't even notice the blog until early this morning (Saturday) and it was only available Friday.  I would like to try upgrades to this (Wordpress) and now would be a good time.  Hopefully they will extend it.
I actually am clearing my calendar of all work related meetings etc.  It is strange to think that next week I will actually have a free day (although not until Thursday, since I have other meetings, medical, appointments, training etc. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Probably will seem even stranger to not be in a hurry to get back to the office after work.
Thinking some more on comments about "not personal just business" statements.  The more I think about it, the more I wonder about the ethics and morality of someone who would make such a statement.  Eliminating the "personal" from decisions is a cop-out and a sign of failure to think.  The same decision can be made, just consider all aspects of what you are doing.
I wonder where popular sayings come from and how they become popular.  For some time now, no matter what part of the country, I hear a lot about "throwing someone under the bus" and "drinking his/her kool aid".  All ages, all parts of the country, all cultures are using these expressions.  I thought it was just the situation in Lakeland (where a lot of people were getting "thrown under the bus" and a lot of people were "drinking the kook-aid", but it is all over.  One day, they will suddenly become old hat and anyone using the term will be looked at with alarm.
Didn't pay a lot of attention to "black Friday" sales.  I did find a good sale on a "Fittbitt Force" that I wanted (saved about $35 from Walgreens, plus  $5 from Discover card.  I have been wanting to try it for a long time, but decided to wait on buying the "Fitbitt One" (or maybe the "Fitbitt Flex, I never can keep them straight) until an upgrade came out, since they had been out for awhile.
Apple products now have websites that will advise you when to buy a product based on the product cycle.  After getting burned on Apple products for years (buying my iMac5 right before they went to Intel, my Macbook right before something else etc.), I have found them accurate and I just won't buy an Apple product after a certain period of time since they have no compunction about throwing you under the bus (how about that, I used it!) and making a product you just purchased obsolete.  Of course, I have long drank Apple's kook-aid (two in the same paragraph!), so I have to play the game.
I really love the Apple service.  I subscribe to the "1 to 1" program, which means a year of education on Apple programs.  For the most part, the advisors are outstanding and really dedicated.  Makes you feel good to know that someone is actually trying to do a good job.
Speaking of bad work,  home repair contractors etc. must be the worst.  Don't show up, don't call back, do bad work and won't fix it (In my opinion, English Garden, a landscape company, is a prime example of never coming back to fix inferior work).
Went swimming.  Wonderful Pool.  Spa was out of order, which was disappointing, but still a nice swim.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Fall 2013 November 29 Friday

30 degrees this morning.
A very Happy 14th Birthday to my wonderful Granddaughter, Kali!.
Holidays are always strange as I try to decide how to lose unexpected available time and it is even more so this weekend, since I no longer have work to do, while before I could always work on a work project.
Thanksgiving was nice, I ate enough, but not too much.
Looking for work after you have spent years hiring other people is like hunting and having the animals suddenly start hunting you.  Actually, I don't hunt, so I don't know exactly, but I am reminded of "The Most Dangerous Game" story.
Driving down the interstate listening to electronic music, feeling a sense of freedom.  Maybe I should do one of "bucket list" items, either go to Dubai (I wanted to visit there ever since I read "The World is Flat") or visit New York City or the Panama Canal.  New York City is out, Dubai or the Panama Canal are possibilities.  Fun to think about it, but....  Kind of reminds me of when I got out of the Air Force and I spent months planning walking back to Kansas (from Hampton Virginia).  Of course, as the time got closer, time compressed (I got out in July and if I wanted to get my M.A., I had to start in August), so I never did it.
Of course, I have been planning my "ride with the summer" (start in south Texas and "ride with the Summer" as summer arrives  north to Canada.  Maybe follow the harvesters.  I remember the Harvesters from when I was a child, coming through in the Summer and harvesting the fields.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Fall 2013 November 28 Thursday

34 degrees (22 in Memphis)
Thanksgiving Day, 2013.  I accidentally wrote down 2017 for yesterday in my "calendar notes" that I have kept since about 1988, with a few omissions.  It made me wonder that my life will be like on November 27 (or Thanksgiving) on November 27, 2017.  Hopefully, I'll still be here in good health!  If not, I guess I'll be someplace better.
I can't imagine what it will be like in Lakeland if the current situation continues to prevail.  
Thanksgiving is always a  time to reflect for me.  I have a lot of memories of Thanksgiving, including kicking a tire tube with my cousin Charles as snowflakes started to fall (I don't know what I remember that oneI), heavy snows that made relatives get a hotel room since they couldn't  drive home, and years later, Thanksgiving with my daughter where we ate on Wednesday night and I spent Thanksgiving by myself, one time someone laughing about seeing me at the laundry mat on Thanksgiving.  
My world is in a world of change.  I really haven't felt it yet and wont until next week, probably Wednesday or Thursday when I start to realize that I am no longer Lakeland City Manager as I ignore things I normally would have taken notes on or called to correct.  There will certainly be a lot of things I won't miss about it also.
I am geting sick of people saying "nothing personal". Kind of reminds me of "The Godfather' when they would say "just business, nothing personal" as they killed each other.  I think the "nothing personal" comments are sickening and an ethical and moral failure of the person saying such crap.  

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fall 2013: November 27 Wednesdy

30 degrees this morning. 
"The World Without End Is Ending" showed it's fact last night as my association as City Manager with the City of Lakeland ended last night.  It obviously was headed that way after the election.  There is a sense of freedom also, but oddly enough I don't have a lot more to say about it.
I will always  remember and appreciate the residents who showed up at the meeting, who called, e-mailed or visited or all of those.  They will always hold a special place in my heart.
I was pleased today to receive a number of e-mails from people telling me I'll be missed.  Certainly I will miss Lakeland and the residents of Lakeland.  There are some wonderful people here.  Of course, I am a resident and will remain a resident until and if I move.
Thanksgiving always brings back some special memories, probably more than I have about Christmas.  I"ll make a note of some of them over the weekend.
Change is a little like swimming across the river.  It is tough, but lots of times there is a better land on the other side.
I was surprised to mistake Katherine (with her bright red hair) with her older sister Kali (who has equally beautiful hair this morning). Katherine is taller than Kali now.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fall 2013 November 26 Tuesday

34 degrees, light rain so didn't cycle, had some projects to work on, didn't go to ATC.
Actually watched a video on USA Today.  Couldn't believe that there is a 30 second commercial (which gave me time to go get some things while it played) for a junky 30 second video.  Never again. 
Preparing to become "the Dead Man" today after having been "Dead Man Walking" since the Board of Commissioners election in September.  Such is life.  I try to examine how I feel about it, but it is still a little early to write about it.  
Miserable day, cold with moisture.  
Long BOC meeting last night.  I saw the true consequences of the city election with a popular park called "little used" (City Hall park) and scheduled for all the playground equipment to be demolished to a very dangerous curve and road for walkers and bicycle riders brushed off as "not needed".  

Monday, November 25, 2013

Fall 2013 November 25 (Monday)

30 degrees this morning.  Didn't really seem to be that cold, walked and cycled my normal procedure.  
Decided to drop "Waterloo" as a waste of time.  Maybe some other time when I'm on a trip, although the story didn't really impress me, the low class lout (Sharpe) as the hero.  Never really cared for books that attempted to glorify such behavior, although it probably has its role in real life somewhere.  
Monday on a short week (Thanksgiving), although it will be a long day to say the least.  Looking forward to the Thanksgiving Holiday.  
Amazed every day at how long the Apple Shuffle batteries have lasted.  At least seven years.  (two of three, one did poop out about  month ago.)

Fall 2013 November 24 Sunday

25 degrees this morning.  Walked, but didn't cycle due to some projects I have to finish.  I frequently am most creative in the morning
Appears like a long winter is coming in, since it is before Thanksgiving and already getting this cold, although other winters it has been cold or even snowed early and then been a wonderful winter.  
There may be snow or ice coming in that will affect Thanksgiving plan and activities.
Aliene is making candy.  I am scraping out the pan an ignoring my diet!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Fall 2013 November 232

47 degrees.  It actually felt colder. Light rain, so just walked and used he stationary bike.
I now know what it feels like to be a "Dead Man Walking".  It is like you are walking around and no one really sees you.  Definitely a strange feeling.  I looked up the term, and it does have  a variety of meanings, but it all boils down to a major loss which is about to occur and it hasn't occurred yet, but many people suspect or know it will occur.  Kind of like the "Sixth Sense" where the young boy is dead but doesn't realize it until the end of the movie.  On the other hand there is  a certain sense of freedom in it.
Still listening to "Waterlou".  I"m still deciding if I am going to continue to listen to it.  After this, i will screen my "listening books" better since I like to listen to non-fiction while I"m walking.    It is just a better use of my time.
Saturday morning, thank goodness.  This is going to be a really busy weekend, I have a lot of projects to work on.  It seems to get busier all the time.
Watching Cramer and "Mad Money".  He is really amazing.
Winterweather has apparently hit OKC.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Fall 2013 November 22 Friday

57 degrees, rain.  Rain last night, most of night.  I was able to walk this morning, but couldn't cycle (outside).
Not sure what I think of "Waterlou", but current "listening" book.  I had heard of it before.  
Just checked Google.  This was actually written in 1990 and is "historical fiction".  He has written a number of historical novels, with a central character "Sharpe".  I usually don't listen to fiction on my morning walks, even "historical fiction".  I apparently thought this was a history book when I bought it.  I think it at least somewhat reflects historical information, so I may go ahead and listen to it, unless it gets boring, which it hasn't thus far.
Supposed to rain most of the day.  Although I realize rain is "good", I really don't like rainy days and absolutely hate driving in the rain. 
USA Today (iPad edition) really disappointed me yesterday (or maybe Wednesday) when they had no fewer than 6 stores about something called the "sexiest man in the world".  (I would say the same thing about either gender).  Why do they think I care? At least I don't have to sit through a story like I would on tv, i can just ignore it, which I do.  I never look at their "living" section which I assume is where such fiction belongs.
Overall, USA Today is the only digital newspaper I enjoy.  The Memphis Commercial Appeal does an excellent job on their "replica" edition, the New York Times and Wall Street Journal digital newspapers are not nearly as good.  

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fall 2013 November 21 Thursday

54 degrees.  
Started a new "listening book" this morning "Waterloo" by Bernard Cornwell.  Thus far, it is interesting, although rather grisly, but then that is what war is.
Busy week, getting agenda's out is always busy.  There is always one more memo or document you should write and, of course, you can always review the memos and documents for errors etc.  (No matter how many times you review them you will see the error right as the meeting starts!)
I read where Don Bown, the former OKC City Manager died.  I always enjoyed him when I met him at meetings, etc. (I was City Manager in a small town in the same County.)  He was City Manager at the time of the Murrah Building bombing and also what I call the resurgence of OKC with the development of Bricktown etc.  He was the right person at the right time in m opinion and a City Manager I really respected.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fall 2013 November 20 Wednesday

37 degrees this morning.  I thought yesterday the air contained a "bite" to it and the temperature this morning seemed colder than 37 degrees.
Started a new "listening" book for my walk this morning.  I quickly decided it is nor for me and i will search for a new book to listen to for tomorrow morning!  I won't mention the name of it. I used to listen to the author's "self help" books, but he obviously has gone to a different place as he aged.  Years ago (in my early 40's) I was a strong "self help" book fan and had some friends in the same age group who read a lot of self help books.  He is not the first one I have been disappointed in as they aged and I realized they hadn't really been practicing what they preached to say the least.
In honor of President Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address", I am including several pictures of his "County Cottage". (this is at  I wanted to see it because this is where Lincoln went to get some peace and quiet and he actually rode up there by himself.  I like the thought of the peace he found her in the midst of what I am sure was chaos.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fall 2013 November 19 Tuesday

46 degrees, seemed cooler, although not bad.
One of my favorite times of the day is my "nap" after my exercise etc.  It is a welcome break following my exercise/ shower etc. and the work day.  I used to take a 17 minute nap, although now I take a 32 minute nap.  Some days I wake up earlier (normally at the 17 minute area), other days I nap the entire time.
Finished listening to "A Brief History of Time" this morning.  I may listen to "The Willpower Instinct" again.  I was talking with someone yesterday about how difficult it is to learn something and then actually put it into acton. Intentions are good, but living gets into the way!  The Willpower Instinct has some good reasons for this (you perceive a future without any of the hassles and interruptions of today) etc.  
Looking out my back window, the leaves have almost all turned and are now follow off.  (If you are reading this on Tumbr, a picture is available!) 
Approaching he holidays.  I always  enjoy the holidays, primarily because of the relaxed nature of life, having time to really talk with others etc.  Even the human interaction while traveling is usually better, people are friendlier and more social.  I've long past cared if I get any gifts, I would just as soon not get any, but it is fun to find the "just right" gift or card for someone.  Unfortunately doesn't happen often, but when it does it is fun.
Kali (Granddaughter) is going to be 14 years old November 29.  I do remember when I was 14 years old.  I hope she adapts better to the teen years than I did!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Fall 2013 November 18 Monday

55 degrees, may have seemed a little cooler.  Glad the bad weather is over.
Another Monday, busy week ahead.  Meetings three nights this week. Agenda for next Monday, so will be a very busy week.
My sister (Eleanor) basically made the same observation I did about what would have been my Dad's 107th birthday.  It is definitely a sign we are getting old even if we don't feel like it!
Waiting for the completion of the "tooth" (actually teeth since two are involved). implant process.  If I am counting right, I will have the "poles" installed in January, and then I'm not sure how long before the process is finished with the permanent implants (basically a crown) installed.  I really like my Dentist (actually an Oral Surgeon) who is working on this, but it still has not been a fun endeavor.  I expect I will like it much better than the alternative (another and more costly/longer bridge every 7 years or so.
Finished John Grisham's "Sycamore Row" yesterday.  It was a good read.  He is very uneven on many of his books, and this is one of his good ones.  He always is an interesting writer, he just gets too contrived sometimes.  
Finishing listening to "A Brief History of Time", my "walk" book.  I enjoyed it, not sure how much I actually learned.  He started on the "Conclusion" this morning, so I should finish by Tuesday or Wednesday.  
The week starts.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fall 2013 November 17 Sunday

70 degrees this morning.  Thunderstorms etc. although the  rain wasn’t too bad. It was  a "cold" 70 degrees if you know what I mean.  Wind is up also.
 Lights went out briefly and now internet is out.  Of course not having internet is a hassle, but at least we have electricity.  So much depends on having the internet.  (This was written about 7:30 a.m., it is now around 2:30 p.m.)
Internet, cable tv and phone was out until about 1:00 p.m.  Tried to set up hot spot and was frustrated again by having to waste time and call the "help line" and waste on hour on what wouldn't work.  (The internet came back right as I hung up the phone in frustration-my cell phone, since our land line was still out and remained out until 2 p.m.)  My frustration was increased by the fact I was just sending out some important e-mails when the internet went out.
Sunday is normally the day I get ready for the following week and it is going to be a busy week, so today is busy.  Have a wide variety of items to work on.  
Sun is out now.  Still around 70 degrees, but there is no doubt fall is here.  
Listening to "A Brief History of Time" this morning, I actually understood several of his concepts which made me fell a little better!
Today is Daddy's birthday, if he was alive, he would be 107.  i remember when I was a kid thinking about how I couldn't imagine my parents dying, (or me getting old for that matter).  Daddy died about 19 years ago now and I am actually old enough to get Social Security.  Somehow it doesn't seem all that odd, but it does seem like everything changed so fast, although fast like a frog in water where you raise the temperature gradually and the frog never even notices until he doesn't.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fall 2013 November 16 Saturday

54 degrees.  Amazing how the weather can change!
Saturday morning, a good time!  I had planned to get get some things done this morning (like getting my new iPad Air up and running) but got caught up in responding to e-mail from yesterday (and I hate to say it, but some from Thursday also!).  Such is life.
Hopefully I can catch up on my newspapers, magazines and mail today.  With all of the meetings and just being busy I am woefully  behind.  Of course, they will just be tossed today if I don't read them. That is the most effective way I know to deal with accumulated newspapers and magazines.  Normally I would have tossed he newspapers yesterday, but I made a slight exception today since I just didn't have time yesterday to finish up.  They will be out by noon today no matter what, read or unread.   I have too many tendencies of a "hoarder" to let anything accumulate.
Still listening to "A Brief History of Time".  I am also reading a rather interesting book, " The Laws of Subtraction" (by Matthew May).  His comments on how minimal may be better are interesting.  I haven't read enough of it yet to really develop a comprehensive view of the concept, but it has been interesting so far.  
Going to download a copy of the latest Doris Kearns Goodwin Book (The Bully Pulpit, I believe) to listen to.  I also bought a "hard copy".  She really is an interesting historian and i have read all of her books at least once.
I first heard her speak at a conference and have heard her several times since in person and of course see her on tv all the time.  At the same conference I also heard Beck Weathers ("Left for Dead", which started me on reading a number of books on mountain climbing.  I have absolutely no desire to be a mountain climber, but I enjoy reading about it and watching it.  Kind of like boxing, I never want to do it, but I love watching it and wonder what and why anyone would torment themselves so much.  Boxing has the excuse of making money, but very few mountain climbers (other than guides) make much money at their sport.  It still is fascinating to read about and Beck Weathers and Doris Kearns Goodwin gave me a lot to read!  Doris Kearns Goodwin books on Presidents (Johnson, FDR, the early days of JFK, Lincoln and her book on baseball) are super, but take some time to read.  I wish she would do one on Truman.
After seeing her at a conference, she actually sat right next to us at the airport restaurant (a TGIFriday's).  Like sitting next to any celebrity, we told her we enjoyed her talk and then didn't bother her.  It was fun meeting her though and she was very nice.
I always have a problem getting used to the early darkness, and the worst part it here.  I always can't wait until Dec. 21 before the daylight starts getting better again.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Fall 2013 November 15 Wednesday

43 degrees.  Thought it might seem much warmer (it didn't seem as cold) but I still need to remember it is still cool!  Newspapers were late this morning, which threw me off, as did having to empty the dishwasher.  (Amazing how small things add up to a lot of time!)
Friday, thank goodness.  Looking forward to a weekend so I can get caught up with things after a week of meetings every night!  I have  a lot to catch up with this weekend, both work and otherwise.  
Only one more week until Thanksgiving week.  Looking forward to it, while will be trying to avoid overeating.  I will enjoy the visiting.
Still listening to 'A Brief History of Time".  I pick up a nugget here and there, but I really have no idea of the underlying concepts and have decided I will never really understand, which is ok.  Fortunately, I have skills in other areas, and, maybe even more fortunately, there are people who understand "A Brief History of Tilme" so I don't need to worry about it!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Fall 2013 November 14 Thursday

25 degrees this morning, no wind.  One problem with cold weather is it adds about 10-15 minutes to my morning exercise routine as I have to dress for the cold.  I really notice it in my morning routine, 15 minutes is a lot.  
Listening to "A Brief History of Time" during my walk.  (I listen to music while I ride. I probably am going to surrender and admit I really just don't  understand it and, using the theory you should use your assets instead of trying to make up for your weaknesses, I will just listen for the occasional concept I do understand.  (I actually understand, I just really don't follow the logical process and I never have.
Night meeting every night this week, so time has been somewhat constrained.  Will be very glad to see the weekend come, just so I can have some allocated time to get some things done!  I think the 3 day weekend was so nice it is difficult to get back into the maze.
I am pleased I have been maintaining my weight.  I avoid bread and potatoes for the most part and try to avoid a lot of sugar etc.  I do eat all the fruit and berries I want.  Unfortunately, I am going to have to start controlling my very favorite, peanut butter.  
As an example, my breakfast is normally oatmeal with blueberries and (occasionally) strawberries and raspberries, then I have an apple with peanut butter on it.  Very good!
At noon, I normally have celery and carrots, with peanut butter and cheese.  Also, at work I will occasionally snack on a small container of peanut butter (snack size).  
It all adds up to a lot of peanut butter!  Supper is usually peanut butter free.  I am still hoping to lose 10 more pounds, and I am exercising about as much time as I have, so eating less is going to have to be the key.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fall 2013 November 13 Wednesday

28 degrees this morning, and it felt it!  No wind, so it really wasn't that bad.
Listening to Stephen Hawkings "A Brief History of Time".  I didn't understand it when I tried to read it years ago, I didn't get physics in college and I don't get it now when I listen to it!  I realize I am just not oriented that way, so I'm glad there are people who understand it!  Not that I don't feel it is interesting, it is just  I really don't understand the concepts and probably don't have the framework to understand them.
First freeze of the year here, maybe a little earlier than normal. I went ahead and cycled outside and it went fine.  As usual, my only weak spot is my hands, I still haven't figured out how to keep my hands warm, yet flexible enough to shift and control the bicycle.  
Recently I have been spending some time reading John Grisham, "Sycamore Row".  While I overall enjoy his books, many of them seem contrived and artificial (especially the "Runaway Jury") and I get a bad taste in my mouth (figuratively speaking) after I finish as some of his endings, such as the one where the innocent man dies.  I absolutely really enjoyed his non-fiction story about the abuse of justice in Ada, Oklahoma and admire him for writing it.  I don't read a lot of fiction right now, due to time constraints.  I usually start one and if it doesn't grab my attention or is just basically the same book by the author with different characters, I quit reading it, figuring "Life is too short" and "So Many Books, so Little Time" to use several cliches.  
That brings up another pet peeve, the attempt to discredit cliches.  What is wrong with a cliche?  If it gets the message across with a minimum of words, use it!  
I used to belong to Toastmasters (I kept my membership, but I think I forgot to pay the dues last time) and enjoyed it, but haven't been able to find a club with a suitable schedule and I don't want to take the time to start one.  It is a great organization.   

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fall 2013 November 12 Tuesday

50 degrees, very windy.  Walked but decided not to cycle due to wind.  Also, the weather showed a small possible rain cloud in about 40 minutes of when I checked.  (It never rained).  
Coming back after a 3-day weekend is an exercise in getting started, including getting everyone else started!  However, it will be a busy week with  meetings every night, and some busy daytime schedules also.
The leaves went fast this year, at least they turned fast, to a brilliant array of colors.  They seem to be staying on the trees for a reasonable period of time.  The wind today may take care of a lot of them.
I am developing a collection of "obsolete" electronics.  I can use the old phones and iPad for iPods (music, audio books etc.), I am amazed at the battery life in my "shuffle" iPads (I don't recall which generation, but they are gumstick size more or less).  I have an old "3" iPhone (my original) a 3S (Aliene's) an iPad 1 (which works great, it is just obsolete, except for music and books and some internet access at meetings etc.), 5 shuffles (1 battery is out), an iMac G5 (pre Intel) and a MacBook, which I am giving to my Granddaughter.  As I mentioned previously, I have a very difficult time getting ride of stuff!  However they are good for a lot of things and are small, unlike books, furniture and old clothes.  

Monday, November 11, 2013

Fall 2013 November 11 Monday

45 degrees, supposed to get much colder.  Wore may "32 degree" brand shirt this morning, which I really like.  (It is real light and stays dry and is only $9 at Costco).
I will always remember Veterans Day for the obvious reasons, but also because it was on Veterans Day I got my first PC Compatible (probably in 1986) and was advised "it would be awhile before I needed a hard drive!" .   When I did get a hard drive I got a 10 meg hard drive!  Still a major step up from the Vic 20 and Commodore 64.  I got my first laptop on Christmas Eve, 1988 (and I still have it!).  I got my first Apple Computer on or about November 11 in 2005, the first of many Apple Computers.
Today they "winterize" the irrigation system, which I assume means Winter has truly started.  
The "holiday" is truly here and I will enjoy the day off, even is I "work"!   I have really enjoyed this e-day holiday, as I do most of them.  I like to spend 3-day holidays at home, so I can just relax and enjoy them.  
I worked for a bit yesterday on tossing items.  It is tough deciding what to throw/give away.  As I mentioned yesterday, it is much easier to give away times to a charity, with at least the thought that someone else will be able to use it.  
Thinking of Veterans Day, I am always amazed at how soldiers actually fight in wars, especially such as the Civil War, with WWI and WWII certainly coming in close, or any war for that matter.  I guess it has to do with they fought in the environment they knew and with what they had.  Or something like that. Whatever, it just took a lot of courage.  At the book club the other day we were talking about how wartime service affects veterans differently (started from a character in a book).  One lady said it hadn't affected her father and than, as we discussed it, she started remembering how it HAD really affected her father in a number of ways.  

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fall 2013 November 10 Friday

48 degrees.  
Middle of a 3 day weekend, which is always nice.  For some reason, I overslept a bit this morning.  I normally wake up without any kind of alarm clock.  Today was one of those weird days when I looked at the clock and thought it said "2:56 a.m.".  I got dressed to walk, looked at the living room clock and it said "1:00 a.m."!  (I hadn't seen the  12, but had seen the 2).  Of course, I went back to bed, but overslept about 20 minutes, which sets my whole schedule back, although on Sunday I can adjust for it.
I haven't used Google+ that much and will need to look at it some more.  I have avoided using it a lot, because (like for having this post automatically posted to Google+ like I do to Tumblr, I would have to to through all kinds of gyrations.  Kind of like Amazon, they seem to want to control your entire life. I am always surprised when Amazon "recommends" items they seem to think I would be interested in.  They are almost never right, they are assuming too much.  
I think one reason I like walking and bicycle riding it is time when I can think (even while listening to a book or music, I still can think without interruption etc.) I can frequently "write a memo" or decide on an action while walking or riding a bike because it seems the lack of intrusions and interruptions provide me a chance to consider all the alternatives and possible consequences etc.
I've been thinking about the persons who live a 'minimalist" life style and don't let "things" control them.  (I am listening to a book that says the urge to own and attachment to things you own is a basic instinct in humans)  I am also reading (slowly but surely), the book "The Laws of Subtraction" and also listen to the Steve Jobs biography who lived somewhat of a minimalist life style and whose Apple products reflect that (sometimes a little too much!).
I have been trying to "unpile" my life, but even books I haven't thought about reading/rereading for years and never well are almost impossible to get rid of.  Of course information I "may" use is even more difficult to get rid of.  Sometimes I wonder if it would be easier to select the "best" of what I want and make the selection that way.  Somewhere I read about someone who puts everything he owns into two suitcases and throws everything else.  I don't know about just two suitcases, but I could, for example, have seveal large boxes and put all the books I want in the boxes and give away everything else.
I also have noted, it is much easier to get rid of stuff if you think it is going to a "good home" and is for someone who actually wants/needs it and will read it or take care of it.  To a small degree, it is easier to recycle something than simply trash it.
I get rid of newspapers and magazines by simply throwing out the old one when the new one comes (actually, I recyle newspapers and give the magazines to the library, as I do the books.  We try to give all clothes etc. that have some life left to the Disable Veterans who come around once a month or so.

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Fall 2013 November 9 Saturday

39 degrees this morning.  Didn't seem to be that cold.
Saturday morning on a three-day weekend!  I like looking ahead and seeing a clean slate for several days!  The possibilities are unlimited!  (so to speak!)
I have started watching a recording of "Mad Money" in the morning.  While I don't pay as much attention to it as I probably should, it is probably better for me than watching music videos (and almost as entertaining!)  I used to try to watch the news in the morning, but I prefer "hard" news and not the talking heads trying to tell me what to think or slanting the "news" so much it is it just their opinion.  
I still get most of my news from the Newspapers (either printed or electronic).  Probably one reason is I don't have the patience to watch long winded reports or even videos (I "read" the on-line USA today every day, I think it is a great format, but I never watch the videos since they take too much time to convey the information.  Saying that, I do watch (several days a week)  a recording of the national news (NBC and ABC) so I can speed through any boring reports or the "feel good" (or bad) reports they fill their time with.  We also watch a recording of several of the Sunday morning shows (Meet the Press, Face the Nation, This Week, 60 minutes) with the remote in hand ready to speed through some of the more bland or the bizarre behavior by the "guests" when they yell over each other.  I don't know what the host doesn't keep them in line.
Watching some of the early music videos I am always stuck by how the singers have noticeably aged through the years (just like me!).  Nothing wrong with it, it is just a fact of life, but the change is rather startling. I expect I would see the same thing in movies and tv shows if I watched them.  
The last "regular" tv show I watched was "Hill Street Blues" so it has been a while since I watched a tv show.  Just a matter of time and quite frankly, priorities for the use of my time.  Aliene likes to watch "CSI" tv shows when I am at work.  Maybe some day I will get on Netflix or Hula and watch an entire series in one day!  Probably after I retire, which I hope is a long time off and I hope I don't have the time after I retire either!

Friday, November 08, 2013

Fall 2013 November 8 Friday

34 degrees.  Again didn't really seem that cold.
Friday, three day weekend coming up!  I always enjoy 3 day weekends, although on Monday I normally try to maximize my day off.  It varies from feeling I have so much to do I can't decide what to do, to being overwhelmed with what I have planned for that day.  
I guess that is thet "future impact" feeling, the mental state where you assume the future will be a time with no interruptions, nothing else to take your time and you are in the perfect state of mind.  Of course, like everything the future quickly becomes the present, and than the past, with the regrets of projects undone (or regrets for why you didn't finish the projects!). In any event, I always look for with anticipation to a three day weekend, especially when we are at home and ont really planning anything.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Fall 2013 November 7 Thursday

43 degrees this morning, although it didn't really seem that cold.
Still upset about the heavy handed Google tactics.  I'm glad I use Apple for the most part, and I use no Google hardware, for good reason.  Kind of like Amazon, they become little dictators and act like they know what you want, when they really have no idea.
Only three weeks from Thanksgiving, time is passing fast.  I have an appointment to check my eyes in December, while my eyes seem to be ok, I am sure I will need new glasses.  
I have yet to wear an "outdoor" coat, although I expect I soon will be needing one.  I recently read where people are wearing shorts year round (even in 6 degree weather) since they are outside so little and it is comfortable.
Due to trying to untangle my accounts with Google, I'm running late this morning, so will need to cut this short today.  Will hopefully add more later.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Fall 2013 November 6 Wednesday

61 degrees this morning, but the wind made it seem colder than that.  The wind doesn't blow a lot out here, which is nice, especially for bike riding!  
Thank goodness for DVD's VCR's etc.  I find it almost impossible to watch a "live" tv show anymore (even sports).  I know, that is how they pay for everything etc., but some of the ads are so obnoxious and inane I wouldn't watch the program if I can't skip over them.  What is even better is betting able to skip over the "talking heads" (sports "analysts" especially) who analyze every play to death.  Does anyone really care?
Google+ is also starting to be a bully.  Google is pushing Google+ so much it is getting difficult to use the Google apps, they keep trying to bully users to Google+ which is really an irritant.  I really don't care for Google +, rather than attempt to bully users into using it, why don't they improve it so it is decent enough to use?  
Anyway, enough of that.  I must have woke up in a negative frame of mind today!  Of course the above are reasons to wake up in a negative mood.  On the other hand, I have gotten used to eating breakfast early (after my nap around 6:00 a.m.) and this morning I have a breakfast meeting at 8 am so maybe I am just hungry!
On the other hand, as winter approaches, the leaves leave the trees bare, it may make being positive a little more difficult, although there is a beauty in winter also.  At least in November and December there is Thanksgiving, Christmas etc.  
I am just now OUTRAGED at Google, I am unable to read some of my accounts, because Google, in it's all-knowing , God like wisdom has decided it knows what is best for me!!!!
I am going to stop using all Google products, I am tired of this.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Fall 2013 Tuesday, November 5

53 degrees.  Light rain when we started driving to Lakeland from Columbia, Missouri.  I hate driving in the rain, but this wasn't too bad.  Heavy traffic in St. Louis, no problems after getting out of St. Louis and the rain stopped.  Amazing fall colors, some bright reds.
I like driving, as long as I don't get sleepy.  I normally stop every hour or so and take a 5 minute or so nap and am absolutely refreshed.  The little bit of "down time" is just want I need.  This was a long trip, over 1400 miles.  It was interesting and fun, but I am glad to be back home and back to work.  I will be glad to get back into my exercise routine, it is hard to keep it up while I am out of town.
Monday is Veterans Day.  I will always remember Veterans Day as the day I got my first "regular PC computer".  I believe it was 11-11-86 when I bought it and he grandly devised me that "I didn't need a hard disk for awhile."!  Later I got a 10 mg hard disk which gave me plenty of room! (I had early had a Vic 20 and Vic 64 which was fun).
Later. on December 24, 1989 (i believe) I bought a Radio Shack PC laptop, my first laptop.  
My next computer was about a 3 generation jump.  Then in 2006, I started using Apple computers.
Good to be home.  Also good to have a 3 day weekend (Veterans Day)  

Monday, November 04, 2013

Fall 2013 Monday, November 4

54 degrees this morning, hope the wind has decreased!
I enjoyed the "extra" hour yesterday.  While I realize it is a figment of unreality, it seems the day is longer and I have extra time every Fall Sunday when DST ends.  Of course, it also means i have to adjust to the "new" time.  It seems odd that it is easier to adjust to "Spring forward" when you "lose" an hour than "Fall back" when I  gain an hour.  It seems easier to adjust to losing an hour than gaining one.  For example, I have more of a problem waking up an hour early (that is not sleeping until 3 am., but waking up at 2 a.m) than I do the reverse, over sleeping in the Spring, which isn't a problem.
It may well be that something in the sunlight etc. causes that effect.  
Travel can affect me that way also.  I love going to the west coast where I "gain" two hours (and I just basically stay on central time as far as sleep), although I hate losing the two hours when I go back! On the oner hand "springing forward" an hour to the Eastern Time Zone bothers me for a day or two.  I think one reason is that I am so in tune with time in the morning between 3 am. and 8 a.m. (or 7 a.m. depending on the day), time is so important and I have a relatively strict schedule I follow in the early morning. The strict schedule includes a 27 minute nap that I have leaned I need to take, regardless of my schedule!

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Fall 2013 Sunday, November 3

36 degrees (41 Memphis).  Fall is definitely here!  As I mentioned earlier, the fall colors are beautiful this year.  I forget how beautiful it is until it happens.
Of course, this all means that Winter is coming soon, which also means that Spring is coming etc!!
Windy here today.  Makes it seem much colder.
Working on Evernote and other programs.  I am trying to see how I can use Evernote and other apps in my everyday computing.  I wish I had more time to go the Apple store, the "1 to 1" program is really great for learning.

Fall 2013 Saturday, November 2

54 degrees, actually feels a little cooler.
School Board election today for the Lakeland Municipal School Board.  Assuming everything goes well they will take office on December 1 and the school system will be operational on July  1 of 2014!
I am amazed at the colors of the Fall this year.  They seemed to change so suddenly and are so beautiful.  I always say it is too bad that human's end of life couldn't be so beautiful.

Friday, November 01, 2013

Fall 2013 November 1, 2013

57 degrees, no rain.
Friday, the weekend awaits.  I look forward to the weekends, more as an opportunity to catch up than R &R although I certainly get some of that also.
On November 1, 2001, I started working in Lakeland.  Both Aliene and I have enjoyed the 12 years and I continue to really enjoy working here, so it was a  good move for us.  Lakeland is substantially different from the previous city I worked for (nothing against my previous city, that is just a fact), so I learned a lot in dealing with different expectations and different procedures.  
New iPod is out today and I decided to go ahead and get one.  i currently have an "iPod 1" (otherwise known as the "original" iPod, so it is time. I am keeping my old iPod (it is worthless anyway) as a music/audio book device and as an e-book etc.  I got my iPod from T-Mobile since it includes 200mb of data service.  It was quite a shock to have to pay $72 in sales tax, hopefully Lakeland will get it's share and not Memphis or Arlington (due to the ZIP situation).
I am working hard at giving my books access to a new owner.  It is so hard to get rid of books, even if I think they are going to a new owner who will read and appreciate them like I do.  Knowing I have access to e-books helps some, but....