Monday, August 26, 2013

Summer 2013 August 26

77/79 degrees, ovearall clear, still seems coolish.
Busy week ahead, busy day today.  Overall, a very nice weekend, I had time to catch up on both work and personal items and do some light reading.
Caught up in the "hyper time" of the morning again, running behind schedule. I like Monday, especially when my week is fairly clear, since it is like a big chalkboard just waiting to be filled.  Of course, as I even start to think of the week, I see more and more items that will fill up the time.
The book "The Willpower Instinct" that I am listening to has some answers for that in that our "future self" always has more time, energy, ambition and willpower etc. that our "present self" does!  (I think I have that right.
An interesting concept, and I can see the truth of it.  I think that is why people tend to over schedule and frequently end up not meeting all of our commitments etc.
I'm not sure how you resolve the problem, perhaps being aware of it.
Oh yes, I forgot to include that our present selves do not think about impact to of our future selves of  the e-mails, text messages, phone calls, new requests etc. 
I understand originally the book was a 10 week course.  Maybe someone offers it locally, it would be very interesting to take.  Maybe I can really abuse my future self and even commit to teaching such a course!
It is always interesting (and frustrating) to watch your ambitious plans for the week evaporate under the burden of the present.

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