Saturday, August 24, 2013

Summer 2013 August 24

76/79 degrees, sunny.
Looks like a great weekend!  
I have really noticed in the past few months especially how little mail (U.S. Postal type mail, not e-mail) I get.  The result of e-mail, text messaging and Facebooking I assume.  All my life I have loved getting the mail, or at least the anticipation of getting the mail.  When I was a child, our mail box was about a half-mile away and I walked each day when possible to wait for the mail carrier.  He had one of the first Volkswagon bugs, probably because all the roads were mud-not gravel, dirt that turned to mud when it rained.  (I went back to visit several years ago, and it had just rained-all the roads were STILL mud!).  
I thought about this while listening to "Willpower", which mentioned again about the anticipation of pleasure being more important than pleasure itself.  
Maybe the weekend is the same way.  I love weekends for the flexibility, even if I do decide to work, but I also enjoy going back to work on Monday.

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