Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer 2013 August 19

67/70 degrees this morning.  Summer, where are you!
Monday, start of a busy week.  Actually have meetings scheduled every night this week, plus a full day of activities.  
Still listening to the book on "Willpower".  Not bad, I have picked up a few points  consciously and maybe some subconsiously.
I always wonder about subconscious learning.  I believe that behavior can be changed by subconscious (and repeated) suggestions, so I assume learning is the same way,  I may try it.  In the past, I have used the subconscious technique with some success.
My Granddaughters start school today. One is in the 8th grade, one in 5th.  I remember when I was in the 8th grade and I am just glad I made it out of that period alive!  Kali appears much more grounded and ready for the adventure.  I always try to remember that you raise children so they can learn to live without you and as a separate person and life.  You are successful if your children can live without you.
One month until the Lakeland election (Sept. 19).  This is a very long campaign period.  I will be glad to see all the campaign signs come down. 
Still somewhat foggy and damp this morning.  Strange weather.
The birds are noisy this morning.  I really miss watching the birds on the bird feeders, but...not the varmints they attracted.

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