Friday, March 13, 2020

2020 Winer March 13 Friday


52 degrees this morning,  62% humidity, wind 18 mph

Wonderful day for most of the day yesterday, 78 degrees high, little wind until late afternoon.  Unfortunately the wind came up and it got cooler last night although not cold.

It is supposed to rain later this weekend, so I assume the Springlike weather may e over for a while, although rain is certainly part of Spring.  

Starting yesterday afternoon, actually  Wednesday night, I wasn’t surprised to start to see all events start to be cancelled or postponed.

Although we are disappointed  about some of the cancellations and suspensions , etc., we certainly understand and support it.  

I had been looking forward to the fist Formula 1 race of the season this weekend and of course it was canceled, again for good reason.  

Everything from major sporting events to weekly bridge clubs at the Senior Center are being suspended or cancelled.  
As I have read numerous times in the past few days, the world as we know it is changing, at least temporarily. 

As usual, the worse  fear is fear of the unknown, and right now we certainly have no certainly as to how the virus will proceed.

I read in Italy there isn’t enough hospital facilities and they are having to decide who is going to live and who is going to die.  Not a decision I would like to make.

Just finishing up he book “They meet at Gettysburg” a book about the Battle of Gettysburg.  While it was a different situation, the decisions by the General’s , etc., was a life or death decision for thousands of soldiers, including major injuries.  

When I read about the battles and the number of people who were killed or had major injuries, I really wonder how they continued.

When I took the seminar at Gettysburg some years ago, I got to go to the exact place where Lincoln gave he Gettysburg Address.  Somehow it all seemed to come alive, standing at the exact spot and trying to imagine Lincoln making the address.  

I happened to listen to a podcast once about the “Lincoln house.  It was the place Lincoln used to get away from the White House and just think or decompress.  It was about 3 miles from the White House and was much cooler in the summer.  
Lincoln even rode a horse by himself to the house, probably preferred it.

Anyway, when we visited Washington DC several years ago we visited the “Lincoln House”.  While it wasn’t open when we visited I did get a sense of what Lincoln liked about the house, especially since I had read of some of pained decisions he had to make.  

That’s it for now, Friday, March 13, 2020.


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