Wednesday, March 25, 2020

2020 Spring March 25 Wednesday


 51 degrees this morning, 90% humidity

Developed into a wonderful day yesterday.  Started off with rain overnight, and cloudy part of the day, but then turned into sunshine and high of around 69 degrees.

Supposed to be up to 83 degrees today, although it may be windy. 

Sit-ups, barbells and the bench press yesterday morning.

Also walked 23:12 minutes, pace was 1 minute 9 seconds slower  than my goal.  Still no coughing  thank goodness.  

I used to walk quite a bid on my “field days," so think it is important  to keep walking and is important to be outside when we spend a lot of time in the house.

I hope to start my bike riding soon, I am thinking of getting a device where I can make my bicycle a stationary bike at home.  

It really feels good to be back on a regular exercise regime (although I miss swimming), and even better not to be coughing.

Gasoline was $1.18 today.  As I noted previously, it doesn’t really matter because we drive so little now, so I assume the low demand and high supply will keep the price lower than we have seen for some time.

As I briefly mentioned yesterday, we ordered from Whole Foods for the first time yesterday and today, we picked up groceries with a “hands free” delivery person who actually came out to our car and, loaded the items in the car.  

It made me feel rather lazy, but I think of the alternative if I get the virus, it doesn’t concern me at all.

Thinking some more about the “Zoom” meeting last night of Toastmasters.  I really don’t know how many meetings couldn’t be run on “Zoom” or similar technology.  Of course, it’s been around for a long time, but it hasn’t been a life or death decision to attend a meeting before!

I far prefer a personal meeting for many meetings and certainly for conferences, but I can see where a to of meetings could easily be held remotely with Zoom.

Starting to hear more and more about “letting the elderly die since they are unproductive and expensive to maintain”.  

Of course, if the hospitals are overwhelmed, they will need to make choices, it  is hard to believe it could happen here.  

A much different world that I imagined then when I was a child, that is for sure.  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, March 25, 2020


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