34 degrees this morning 77% humidity
Excellent weather day yesterday, a little cool and windy, but overall ok. At least one more day of Winter gone.
Just realized I hadn’t noted the “monthly anniversary” of our move here. January 2 marked 5 years and six months since our move here (assuming we moved on the 2nd, which is when our furniture arrived).
This also marks 5 years and 4 months for my current job. I have to admit it isn’t exactly what I had in mind when I moved here, but I don’t think I could have found a better fit or a job I enjoy more.
As with all jobs or situations, some things I like more than others, but that is the trade-off.
The first of the month is also when I get most of my new assignments at work, which tends to provide the atmosphere of “you’re got mail”. It is always interesting to look at my challenges for the month.
We are approaching four years in our house, a wonderful house. We were able to “toss” a lot of stuff, but still need to throw out or give away a lot if we decide to move to a smaller house in the future.
As I have mentioned before, the problem with a house (when you are like me and totally inept at home repair projects) is finding someone to do the necessary repairs and maintenance on the house.
Finally got started on “Evernote”. While I have “e-mailed” my journal into Evernote for years, I wanted to started e-mailing copies of business and other e-mails for specific projects.
Actually, there is quite a lot I can do with “e-mailing’ into Evernote, just need to make sure I get it set up right.
I was surprised I could e-mail reminders with alerts!
In a lot of ways, I think Apple “Notes” is almost as good the way I have been using it. However after looking at the potential of Evernote, I can see where it could be beneficial.
Looked a little at “templates”. That will be next project, after I get the e-mailing and reminders and alerts learned.
As I noted before, the way I learn best is by doing it, so I will concentrate on using and learning what I want to learn.
That’s it for now, Saturday, January 4, 2020.
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