Sunday, January 12, 2020

2020 Winter 12 Sunday


 31 degrees this morning  81% Humidity. 

Cold day yesterday, very little snow, enough ice in the morning to be slick in places.  We didn’t go out at all, except I stepped out to get the papers and then the mail. High of 38 degrees and low of 21.  

It was forecast to be a lot worst, so it was good that’s all there was.  Not supposed to snow today, just relativity cold.  

Yesterday, I had time to read the Wall Street, Saturday edition, which is the best day for the Journal due to the extra sections.  I always learn something new and interesting,   They go into a lot of different areas, including reviews of historical books , etc.  

Since it is unlikely I will read the books, I enjoy reading the reviews  although sometimes I check out a book that I have read a review of .  “The Storm on our Shores” is one book I checked out after I read a review of it.  It was fascinating, probably even for someone who doesn’t like to read history.  (I do, so I wouldn’t know for sure.)

Yesterday I read a review of a book about the French Revolution, which left me with a completely different impression of the French Revolution.  

It is strange, but the Wall Street Journal is very difficult to read on-line (especially the Saturday edition).  

Most newspapers are easier to read on-line, but the Wall Street Journal is easier on paper (and ever better on the iPad).  

I haven’t been able to bring myself to cancel delivery yet, but I’m sure I will soon.  The Sunday papers don’t  get here until 9:30 or 10 am and the daily paper doesn’t get here until 8:30 a.m. or so, way past their self-described deadline of 6:00 am.

I think one thing that is stopping me from stopping delivery is I figure that is they want, so they can make more money with on-line only delivery.  

One observation I didn’t make yesterday about the “government is business” Governor is his obscene comment that he is going to talk with “business and industry” and see what regulations they want to have cut (I’m sure with his hands out for some substantial “donations”.)

Means a lot more earthquakes, ruined roads and bridges by overweight trucks, safety risk increases at work and more pollution.  

Kind of like asking the fox to guard the hens, except the hens are the citizens of the state, fixing to take the cost just like they always do in this state.  

Seems that they could hold hearings or whatever on it instead of just taking with the small segment of the population that will benefit (greatly) from it.   They ought to talk with the people paying the costs also (even greater) also.

An episode at work last week decided me I need to  learn how to use “Google Translate” better.  It isn’t perfect, but some of the shops in Panama City used it very effectively. 

That’s it for now, Sunday, January 12, 2020. 


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