Thursday, October 03, 2019

2019 Fall October 3 Thursday


68 degrees this morning, 84% humidity

Excellent day yesterday, temperature up to 91 degrees high.  It is odd how the weather is so cool after the sun sets (not uncomfortable, just cooler). 

As noted, currently is 68 degrees, supposed to reach a low of 57 degrees today. 

Walk  26:59 minutes, Pace was 12 seconds faster than my goal.  I’m not thinking of changing my goal anytime soon, I’ll just accept exceeding my goal!

That is one of the considerations of “goals”, is if I want to consistency change the goal, or just enjoy exceeding my goal.  Depends on the “goal”, I assume. 

Probably there is no real benefit to walking faster etc, unless it is significant, but I think it is good to have some kind of goal, at least for activities that are measurable and where it makes a difference.  

For example, I don’t have any goals on the number of books I read, the number of magazines etc. 

The lying coward lunatic is disgraceful.  What a buffoon, he is displaying his gross incompetence and his mental problems. 

What is so reprehensible  is the way he has cowed his toadies and the federal government to stop pubic service and just become agents of his paranoia and insanity .  

I really don’t see how anyone can support a chronic liar, who is obviously using tax $ to support his own businesses.  

I was shocked that the NRA president actually publicly offered him a bride to pay for his impeachment legal cost if he dropped his  support of any time of gun controls.  That is noting but an illegal bribe!.

Of course with all of his and his toadies criminal activities, I think we are unceasingly becoming immune to bribes, cheating, stealing tax $ and obviously chronic  lying, so they no longer even know the truth.  

The lying coward lunatic’s actions of the last few days are terroristic criminal threats that anyone else would be jailed for saying.  

Obviously he is guilty as heck and he is running scared so he is fearfully screaming and panicking like he always has when he is guilty.  .  

I refuse to listen to his squealing lying voice anymore.  

Apparently cold weather is coming in, at least for a brief period, and of course in a month or so, cold weather may be the norm. 

That’s it for now, Thursday, October 3, 2019.


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