Wednesday, October 23, 2019

2016 Fall October 23 Wednesday


67 degrees this morning, 27% humidity

Wonderful day yesterday, high of 81 degrees 

Last day of vacation today.  Overall, it has been a really nice and interesting vacation.  

A lot of pictures, now I will have to put some time in to save the pictures I want and organize them while I still remember what they are! 

I think the problem is I get back with a lot of good intentions, and they remain just that-good intentions!  

I know when I used to go to conferences, I always had plans to organize my notes , etc., and take action when I got back.  Didn’t happen all that often, until the professional organization I belonged to started a program where you kept a record of each conference or seminar and made a written report on how it helped you on your job.

I didn’t have to make a summary, in fact that was discouraged, the idea was to make a summary of how you used what you learned.  It was very effective and I try to do that now whenever I attend a seminar , etc.  

That Is actually the way I learn, so that program helped out a lot as far as benefiting from conferences or seminars , etc. 

Probably I should do something like that with my pictures, instead of just “pictures," do a summary of why I took the picture or pictures)  and what it meant to me.  Even if it was just an “interesting” picture, that would be enough.

Maybe I could put them in the Apple “iBook” and learn how to do that also, another item on my “too it” list.   

While I don’t necessarily make this journal a “learning experience," frequently I develop thoughts or approaches to problems by writing about them. 

I didn’t even bother to charge up or bring my “regular” camera this time.  I just used my iPhone cameras.  It still lacks some flexibility of my regular camera, but it comes close in 90% of the pictures, so I just decided to use the iPhone cameras.  

Decided to order another MacBook Air very soon.  One reason is that the charging cord  is cracking and I’m not sure how much longer it is going to charge my computer.  

Also, I have heard very little about a MacBook Air update, and I think I would have heard it by now.  I will probably order it in mid-November. 

I hope the new MacBook Air is as good an upgrade as the iPhone 11 is.  While it is a jump of roughly 6 generations, I am still surprised at how nice it is.  

I assume in “people age," my old iPhone would be about 120 years old!  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, October 23, 2019.


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