Friday, September 06, 2019

2019 Summer September 6 Friday


76 Degrees this morning, 70% humidity

Another excellent day yesterday, high about 95 degrees.  

I’m not winning the battle with the skunk, but I feel I am having an impact  It is one big skunk, or at least it has a huge tail.  Of course, a skunk looks a lot bigger than it really is the closer it gets!

Exercise yesterday, Walk:  27;15 minutes, pace as 11 seconds faster than my goal.

Wanted to note some more comments about my experience with “satisfaction surveys”.  I think the continual surveys more or less cheapens the process, especially if the purpose isn’t truly to discover areas where their service or product can improve, but just a gimmick to get your e-mail or an attempt to “prove” how good they  are.  

I really try to praise people/service when they deserve it and I feel like if they feel like anything less than a “10” is a disaster, they really aren’t serious about the survey.  

When I was in my past positions, I really tried to encourage “honest” feedback. I tried make sure I never got mad or defensive about honest feedback so honest feedback was encouraged.    

In fact, one of my comments to all new employees was it was “nice to hear the good things, but I have to hear the bad things!”.  I emphasized the worst thing someone could do was hide a mistake etc., because then I couldn’t do anything about it

Of course the current whining lying coward lunatic is a prime example of an incompetent who can’t  take feedback and only thinks of himself.

I just couldn’t believe that the cowardly congress will sit there and let this delusional  lunatic steal $400 million dollars from the disaster funding  in Puerto Rico to build some egoistic wall that will be torn down in two years.  I am sure it will be cheaply built at a high profit by a big “donor” who will get a huge return on his “investment” in buying politicians, 

I have to admire the England politicians, they don’t  just cowardly sit there while some lunatic tore the county apart they stood up for their beliefs and for their country, even if it cost them their political career, at least in the short run.    

What is worse, this is a liar who even can’t admit any mistake and uses a sharpie to lie and try to show he hadn’t said what he said.  What a clown!  

I have been trying to eliminate, or more reasonably minimize, “piddle time”, especially in the early morning.   For example, I can measure the time between when I get up and when I start my journal fairly accurately, so I am trying to minimize that time.  Otherwise I just waste time on a variety of activities.  

I may read Facebook, look at the news, make some notes etc. Not necessarily not any use, but not putting my  time to the best use either.  This journal may not be the best use of my time, but it is something I want to do so it is worth it!

Fall is coming, Aliene is changing the house to a Fall theme.  It is a tradition I have gotten used to and I enjoy.  Perhaps because it celebrates each season or event (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines) as part of our daily life.

Some 3-day weekend weeks seem to drag and last forever. This week has been a blur, it seems like it’s too fast to be Friday, but then I”m glad it is here!  

That’s it for now, Friday, September 6, 2019.


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