Monday, September 30, 2019

2018 FAll Septembrer 30 Monday


78 degrees this morning,  68% humidity

Yesterday was good, 88 degrees high, but cloudy  and windy all day.

As noted yesterday, started off day without any electricity.  Planned to walk, but didn’t want to walk without electricity.  Apparently a fairly extensive outage in the area.

Whenever the electricity goes out,  develop a sense of helplessness and the fear that “this time” it will be off for a long time.  Kind of like being on the runway in a jet waiting to take off.

Swim yesterday morning 24:05 minutes.  

Bicycled late afternoon 24:02 minutes.  

Read the journal of a relative who took a 10 day ride in the mountains in several countries in Europe.  I don’t know that I will ever be ready to do that, unless I had an electric bike!

Hoping I can get in shape for the event next summer, which is about a 500 mile ride over 7 days (I may be wrong about the exact number of days).  If not next Summer, hopefully the Summer after that.

Probably my main problem is I haven’t  ridden in groups, so I have no experience in riding with other bicyclists.  

I don’t try for speed, just enjoyment and so I take it easy.  I think the speed will come with time.  

At some point in my life, I would like to get a “power assist” bike, so that I could enjoy riding it, but could get assistance on going up hills etc. my vulnerable area, and also against the wind.  

Major League Playoffs ended today. It has been an interesting season, except for the Cubs not making the playoffs.  Now the playoffs, and then a winter of looking forward to it starting again!

We haven’t watched any Pro football games, probably won’t until the playoffs.  Just can’t get into it. We do watch several college football teams.  

Listening to my “Great Course” on Biology, I thought it was interesting that the “Lung fish” was closer related (genetically) to human beings than to other fish!  The things you learn!  

Start of another “work week”.  Overall a good weekend, it went fast.

That’s it for now, Monday, September 30, 2019. 


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