Sunday, July 07, 2019

2019 Summer July 7 Sunday


75 degrees this morning, 83% humidity 

Overall wonderful day yesterday, early morning had clouds, possible rain. I delayed my walk thinking it was going to rain, and took a late walk when the storm never developed.  


Walk: 28:08 minutes, 
Swim:  17 minutes
Bicycle:  20 minutes 

Pace on walk was 8 seconds slower than goal.

One of my bicycles has “regular” valve stems on the tires, which makes it a lot easier to get air In the tires.  I enjoy riding that bike, it is a lot lighter than the other bike, but I also enjoy riding the other bike (probably slightly more).   The lighter bike that I can air up the tires easier on is a model lower than my other bike, and I can tell the difference.   

I enjoy riding each of them at different times, but it is so much easier and quicker to get my tires filled up on the lighter bike that I probably will ride it more until I either get better (“regualr”) tire air valves or better air valve “cheaters” so I can use an electric air compressor.  

I have normally always ridden my bike by myself or with my wife.  Due to some respiratory situations, (gross as it sounds), I do cough and have to spit occasionally.  I was thinking yesterday if I ever start riding as part of a group ride, I will need to learn the etiquette of “spitting while riding”.  It may be “don’t do it’!

Fortunately I have relatives who group ride and  I can get some idea of how to handle this and other  sensitive questions!   

I am still riding in my cove, I want to be sure I a completely familiar with the gears etc. on my  bikes before I start longer rides.  I also need to get my “bicycle legs” back, which will only happen when I go on longer rides! 

Going on a bicycle ride is always fun, I used to plan to be gone “about 30 minutes and drag in 2 hours later as I got into the flow of the ride! It probably was more like an hour or so most of the time.  

My most memorable experience was the time there was a strong wind and I was riding down a highway at about 30 miles per hour with a strong wind behind my back. I was really enjoying myself! 

I had gotten out about 4 miles when I realized I would be facing the wind when I  turned back!  I quickly turned back and found it was much more difficult to ride against the wind and I resorted to my “one pedal at a time” approach and made it back before the rain started.  I was  lot more careful after that!

Weekend has gone fast and will probably end up just as fast!  This will be my first “full” week of work for several weeks.  Actually I am glad to get back into the regular routine of the week!  

That’s it for now, Sunday, July 7, 2019.  


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