69 degrees this morning,65% humidity
Yesterday started off at 64 degrees, but got up to around 88 degrees which actually seemed cool!
Today is supposed to get up to 90 degrees.
It is a strange how when it is winter and the temperature reaches 64 degrees you think it is too cold to wear shorts and a t-shirt and dress warm. However if it is summer you just keep wearing shorts and a t-shirts. For me it is not giving in to to the cool weather in the summer!
Exercise yesterday
Walk: 27:41 minutes, pace 1 second faster than my goal
Swim: 20:25 minutes
Bicycle: (outside, after work): 21;52 minutes
I was able to ride my bike into another neighborhood which I really enjoy. Exploring is 75% of the fun, just riding around and looking at the area.
Read a story about “Private Equity” investors.
The story mentioned (as I have noted) that the “private equity” firms use funds from a bunch of people who care only about quick profit.
Normally, according to the story, they buy a company, screw the employees with lower pay, fewer benefits, try to make them go from part-time to full time etc., lay off many (especially older workers who then can’t find anther job) and lower paid workers, while the top executives rip off the the company with huge salaries and benefits.
They also rip it off by paying huge dividends to the “investors” and when they have ripped it off as much as possible, they declare bankruptcy and enjoy the money they plundered from the company. How that is legal I really can’t believe.
Anyway the story confirmed what I have been saying, that private equity “investors” are just thieves.
One or the Presidential candidates is proposing restricting it and I am all for it. Like a lot of things, it has really gotten out of hand.
It has been a busy week, I am ready for things to slow down. On the other hand, it is nice be be busy!
That’s it for now, Thursday, July 25, 2019.
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