57 degrees this morning, 84% humidity.
Exercise yesterday:
Walk 20:32 minutes,
Swim: 17:15 minute
Pace was 42 seconds slower than my goal.
Super nice weather yesterday, in spike of predictions of rain etc. 78 degrees, basically sunny, a little windy, but nice. First “shorts and t-shirt” day! (“Shorts, t-shirt and sandals day is next!).
I hope I never feel too old to wear shorts, a t-shirt and sandals in the warm weather. Or rather, I hope I never care.
I look at my change from walking in the outside to walking on the inside with some concern. I always hate to quit doing someone I have been doing for years when it is a positive habit. In the case of walking outside, I can remember doing it basically all my life and on a consistent basis since about 1981, and on a sporadic basis before that.
I didn’t really “plan” to quit walking outside, although I haven’t really actually “quit” walking outside.
A positive factor about walking inside is that I also can swim as part of my routine which is something I have always wanted.
I have noticed an improvement in my coughing since I haven’t been walking outside although it could be attributed to other factors also.
The plus factors to walking inside are of course the swimming, and the reduction in coughing. Other factors are safety, and it is probably a little healthier for me to walk inside.
On the minus side, I miss walking outside and the routine. Also, I think I have been walking less since I have been walking inside due to time limitations and having to drive to exercise. While the fitness center has relatively good hours, they are very limiting, especially on weekends.
Part of the problem is just having time. Sometimes I think I’d like to retire just so I have time to do more exercise, which is probably a valid reason. It would give me more time to walk, swim a little more but ride my bike outside a lot more.
As I have mentioned frequently, I am just amazed at how much I used to do, even though I work a lot fewer hours now.
I have been pondering this and I really think it is the nature of the work and time. In the past my time on the job has been flexible, even though I worked a lot more. I think I approached each day knowing that, within reason, my time was flexible because I could always work on items on my own time.
While I enjoy my present job and have a lot of flexibility as to how I approach my job, I have a limited time to actually do the duties of my job since I can’t work overtime as such. That puts a different pressure on the job, especially when I need to waste about two hours of the day just documenting what I am doing and where I am! I really feel like I am wasting time (and I am).
That is probably one of the frustrations of my current job, just not being about to do my job due to red tape and micro-management type of required record keeping. It wastes a lot of time.
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