Saturday, April 13, 2019

2019 Spring April 13 Saturday


50 degrees this morning, 49 % humidity.

Cool yesterday, but not that bad.  Just a reminder after the very nice weather of a couple of days ago that nice weather is a gift!

Actually it was forecast for heavy rain and thunderstorms to start early this morning and now it looks like it will be late morning.  

That is good because it will hopefully allow me to swim this morning.  (The swimming pool is closed for safety reasons during thunderstorms or lightning activity.)  

The forecast includes a “100% chance” of rain later today.  I wonder why they don’t leave a little bit of leeway (say 99%!), just in case they are wrong.  I have seen in the past “100%” chances of rain not happen.  Just a thought.

Somehow, I ended on a “Fox news” (the lying Fox news) survey.  I started receiving texts with “survey questions” that were textbook examples of how to word surveys to try to get the answer you want.

I tried to get it stopped and finally, logically, I just answered the way I felt and the survey questions suddenly stopped when they realized I wasn’t one of the bootlicking lying coward lunatics watchers and they may upset the lying coward lunatic with my answers!  Really sad such an organization actually exists.

Amazing how an organization like that can continue to exist and ripoff advertisers dollars to try to get their extreme perverted views out.  

Yesterday I was “in the field” and walking to my destination in the downtown area of the central city..  I was in the middle of a street, squarely in the crosswalk, with a HUGE  sign to “Stop for pedestrian in crosswalk”.  Ten cars went by before one stopped.  

Shows that the “experiment” in not using traffic signals in “Automoble Alley” is a total failure and someone is going to get killed there.

It is called “Automoble Alley” because it used to be car dealers and is now an area with restaurants, coffee shops, retail shops etc.  Actually it is nicely done, but I think they are going to have to think about safety.

Next time, I will have someone taking a video of it and I will send it to the Mayor or a local tv station!  Probably the Mayor, I don’t like the “gotta cha” type of actions.  

Watching the qualifying for the Formula 1 race in Shanghai.  If nothing else, I like to watch them for the different venues they race in.  

Glad the weekend is here, a nice break, even if it is raining!  Hopefully this will be the last of the cold weather until next year!  

Dream yesterday morning, I didn’t write a detailed description after the dream, so I don’t remember much, but it was a very detailed dreamed of some kine of event or reunion.  We saw people coming in and knew an event was going on and kept talking about going in, but never did.  Don’t remember much more. 

That’s it for now, Saturday, April 13, 2019.


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