Sunday, May 27, 2018

2018 Spring May 27 Sunday

73 degrees this morning walk 32:38 minute walk.

Wonderful morning for a walk.  There was a (maybe almost full moon) no wind, not too cool. 

Somewhere I must have missed a turn or turned a corner too sharp as my distance was about .06 miles shorter than my average.

However, my pace was a sparkling 21 seconds below my goal.  (The pace doesn’t depend on the distance.)

My watch advised me I used about 284 calories, about enough to make up for that spoonful of syrup or that tablespoon of peanut butter or a candy bar!

I noticed I started smelling more “odors” or “scents” in the air.  I think that is because of a “nasal wash” I started to use (it sounds gross, but it really isn’t bad) is cleaning out my congestion from allergies etc. for the first time in years since I moved to this area.

I am sitting on my back patio watching a “moon set” in the west this morning.  It is a beautiful scene.  I have seen very few “moon sets” of the full-moon and I just sit and watch in wonder as the moon descends, lighting up the sky, but darkening as it sets.

I am looking for to the CMA Fest this year.  Not only is it the CMA Fest, but the “Hot Wheels Legends Tour” is also going to be there during the time we will be there!  Yea!  Now that is something I am looking forward to, the heck with the crowd and traffic!  

They have 50 “full-size” cars modeled after “Hot Wheels” cars, plus a lot of other stuff.  I am really looking forward to it!  

I finished listening to “Grant” by Ron Chernow.  Oddly enough, after about 50 hours (actually it is 48 hours and one minute, but I normally go back several minutes each day to provide context for the next day) of listening, I finished it right as I went into the house as I ended my walk yesterday!  It is a wonderful book and I actually will miss listening to it each morning as I walk.

I feel this autobiography is up there with the best, both the subject and the writing.  It ranks with probably my favorite biographer, Doris Kearns Goodwin.  

I am going to read more of his biographies or at least listen to them.

I debated what to listen to next.  

Finally I decided on “The Power Broker:  Robert Moses and the Fall of New York” by Robert Caro.  He was one of the most, or probably the most, powerful park and planning official in history, so I thought it would be fascinating to learn more about him.
I listened to about the first 35 minutes of the 66 hour book this morning during my walk.  I hope it picks up a little as time goes on!  The biography of Grant may have spoiled me!  I figure 66 hours of “The Power Broker”  will just about take me the rest of the Summer, assuming I listen to it only when I walk.  This will be close to, if not the, longest book I have read.

i had hoped to start listening to more podcasts or even delving into improving my Spanish, but there is only a limited amount of time available  

Probably will eat meat Monday for the first time in 3 1/2 months, or at least will be open to it.  But not today.  

That’s it for now, Sunday, May 27, 2018.

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