Tuesday, May 01, 2018

2018 Spring May 1 Tuesday

69 degrees this morning, walk 34:00 minutes

69 degrees should be warm, but with a 19 mph wind and no sun, it was mighty cool out there!  Of course by the time I was halfway through my walk my internal furnace had kicked in.  

The wind probably bothers me more than anything else, but it was windy yesterday and it seems to be continuing.  

Pace was 8 seconds below my goal, which continues the trend of my pace being faster. When I switch to “summer walking clothes”, the pace should even go down further and it might be time to lower my goal.  

I normally don’t consciously think about my pace while I am walking and it seems to be almost counterproductive to consciously think about trying to increase my pace while I am walking.  

Today is May 1, again an indicator of how fast time is going!  Of course this also means Summer is coming!  

I haven’t done a lot on my Personal Strategic Plan, but I have been thinking about the format and what is useful and feasible, not necessarily what makes a good strategic  plan 

Brainstorming in the early stages is important.  I have found that it is important to consider every idea or concept without assuming it is not workable until you have have a chance really look at it.

Right now, I just have list of important, long term projects.  I am trying to avoid it becoming a “to do list” of daily activities, so I am putting all projects I expect to complete within a week on my “to do” list.  

The structure of the Strategic Plan is important because once I set a structure it is extremely difficult to change.  Kind of like laying railroad tracks, it but helps and limits you!

Of course, I also need to avoid the trap of never starting because I don’t want to get tied into a structure!  I will look at various structures and get a rough structure this week and go from there.

I thought about using Evernote etc., but I think right now, good old notes is a good way to go.  I can access it on all my devices.  

The first of the month is when I get number of new cases to handle.  It is always interesting to start on some new cases and I look forward to it. 

I have to apologize to Apple.  As I noted several months ago, I mysteriously “lost” a Folder in my “Notes” account.  Unfortunately it was an important Folder with over 400 entries.  

I spent hours on the phone with Apple, who were very supportive etc. and tried to work through the problem.  I balked at”baking up and restoring” all of my devices and decided I would just live with it.  

As I mentioned at the time, I was puzzled why it disappear on one device but not another.  

Anyway, I finally realized this Folder was “hidden” as a subset of another Folder!  Strange.  

They are expecting some bad weather coming in this week, especially tomorrow.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, May 1, 2018.

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