Thursday, May 31, 2018

2018 Spring May 31 Thursday

69 degrees this morning, no walk, heavy thunderstorms.  Lightning, thunder heavy rain this morning.  

What is odd is my watch and the phone were showing “party cloudy” while it was pouring rain!  So, they aren’t perfect!  (They did catch up).  The weather map showed a slight dip of clouds over where we live. 

Have to mention one more unethical move by a business, unfortunately by Nest.  Ordered a “Nest” doorbell etc.  The order from said “ships overnight after processing”.  Wasn’t until the next morning, after the order, that I found “processing takes 12 days!”  12 Days!!!!!?  In today’s world, that is a generation!  Obviously I canceled the order.  

I probably will reorder, I just didn’t want the items to arrive when we didn’t expect. Checked Amazon, but I just don’t trust Amazon that much on getting the exact product I want and I don’t trust their pricing.

It isn’t the “12 days processing” that is the problem, it is their failure to mention it in their notice of the “overnight delivery!”.  

A Newsletter I read surprised me by including an apology for the lying coward lunatic pervert criminal.  While I certainly don’t agree with everything he writes, this lapse surprised me

He attempts to excuse the lying coward lunatic on the basis that “power corrupts” and the incompetent lunatic “didn’t know what he was getting into?”  

My problem with the lunatic is he is a liar, a vile, vindictive coward who can’t stand to have anyone around  but coward butt lickers who tell him how good he is.  He is a criminal who is stealing money for his company etc. without any ethical or legal restraints whatsoever.  He is destroying the country and hires career criminals like pruitt who have made a career of plundering the taxpayers for his high living and criminal activities and robot nazis like Miller who are incompetent but suck up to him.  

He is not a leader,  only attempts to pander to the lowest common racist, sexist level to try to steal votes and further divide the country. 

Anyway, the Newsletter attempts to excuse him.  However, many Presidents have made mistakes, going back to Washington.  That isn’t the point  Many Presidents have been overwhelmed by the powers of the office and the isolation from “real people” and only have  the “yes people” who tell him only what they think he wants to hear.  I can understand that.  Most  grew in the office, some didn’t.  

What the Newsletter Editor is missing is that this incompetent lying coward lunatic is a LIAR and a CROOK.   An outright LIAR who obviously has a desperate need for approval and makes  vile, lying attacks on people, organizations etc. that everyone knows is not true and that only are attempts to divide and destroy. 

What is worse is the coward elected representatives who shake in craven fear at this lying coward lunatic criminal racist pervert.    I am really ashamed at the coward elected representatives.  

I lost a lot of respect for the Newsletter Editor.  

However, in the same issue, he makes some very interesting observations about world events, China, our own government etc. and governments in general that I will discuss in later posts.  

Hopefully I will not go out and find “lava rock” all over our lawn.  I am not a landscape person by any means, but we figured we could do it better than anyone else, at least, to put it like we prefer it.  We’ll see.  

That’s it for now, Thursday, May 31, 2018.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

2018 Spring May 30 Wednesday

72 degrees this morning, 33:27  minute walk

Actually coolish this morning for my walk, although I heated up fast of course.   I am always surprised how the difference of a degree or two can make.  I am trying to analyze what makes (for example) yesterday morning muggy and almost hot while almost the same temperature this morning was coolish.

There are rain clouds in the general area (no clouds here), which I thought would make it seem warmer.  

Pace this morning as an excellent 33 seconds faster than my goal.  That may be a record.   I did notice doing my walk I was walking faster, but sometimes I think I am walking faster and I’m really not, so you never know.  I may be able to reset my goal if I keep this up.

Of course, as I have noted before, sometimes it really doesn’t make any sense to continually try to improve my time, sometimes it is best just to achieve my goal.  

However, in this case, I would like to reset my goal 1 minute lower, which would be a good permanent goal, probably reached rarely!  

Transitioning to a new wireless carrier, I am reminded again that if “government ran like a business”, there would be a general uprising.  The secrecy, underhanded tricks to rip you off, and misleading statements would never be acceptable in government, at least local government.  They seem to be acceptable in state and national government.  

Tricks I have seen so far by T-Mobile to rip off customers includes including the provision that you need to have “auto pay’ to get the quoted rate and then attempts to hide “auto pay” so you don’t get the rate the first month. (They probably are hoping you’ll never find it.)  I was wondering why they hadn’t bought it up and of course it was an attempted rip-off.  I found the “auto pay” by accident with the tiny print.  

Another is the “buy 1 get 1” phone service.  First they rip you off on your trade-in, saying “up to $300” and then paying only $68 for probably a $400 phone.  Of course they make it a “rebate” and then attempt to make it as hard as possible to get the rebate.  

What a scam.  It make you sick to think you have to use the tricksters to get a wireless phone plan.  You almost feel like you need to bring your attorney with you to get a cell phone plan. .  

Of course there was also the “Netflex scam”, they brag about the “free Netflix” which isn’t really true. 
Then there are the tricks of trying to hide “additional fees” for everything.  I will thoroughly check my first bill.  

That is one reason why I avoid long term contracts for a security system, cell phones etc., there always seems to be some kind of scam like a “yearly renewal” etc. and a $12 per month price suddenly balloons to $60 (just an example I have seen).  

Anyway if “government ran like a business” (at least local government), there would be a huge turnover fast! 

Of course, the State and National governments are already owned by the private businesses, donors and lobbyists who pay the elected officials to rush to do their bidding while they pander to the worst aspects of the voters, braying about “waste” that they create.  

Anyway, it is a nice Summer day and Wednesday, so I will not concern myself with such things and will enjoy my day!

The moon is high in the sky, still a long way from setting.  I like to watch the moon set in the west, I may come back out and watch!

That's it for now, Wednesday, May 30, 2018.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

2018 Spring May 29 Tuesday

74 degrees this morning,  walk 34:36 minutes

Walk was good this morning, although the air was “heavy” and clouds covered the moon.  Got a weather notification that rain clouds were coming in, but no actual forecast for rain, so I went ahead and walked. 

Sitting on the patio, listening to the wind through the trees.  Air is a little cooler this morning even though the temperature is about than the last two mornings  

I hear one bird waking up already, chirping away.  I wonder why the resit of the birds don’t wake up and start chirping/singing when the first one starts.  I guess they are like people in that manner, some get up early, some get up late!

Pace was 16 seconds faster than my goal, which is good.  I assume that is the “clothes bonus”, walking faster due to wearing lighter clothes versus winter clothes.

Return to work this morning, it was a good Memorial Day Weekend overall. 

I have been reading about the “dangers’ of drinking too much water.  While I realize moderation in everything is important, i was surprised at how little water could be considered “too much” water.  

In the end, the discussions are centered on moderation and “circumstances”, but I was still rather surprised.

One article mentioned if you always have a bottle of water with you, you may be drinking too much water.  I almost always do have a bottle of water with me, and I expect to keep on doing it to tell the truth.  

They did mention some common sense ideas such as don’’t guzzle water, sip it.  Take the time to swish it around your month, enjoy it etc.  

They also mentioned that room temperature water may be better for you, although I didn’t quite understand the dangers of drinking cold water!

Another dream i wrote down.  I have been having some intensive dreams but haven’t been remembering long enough to write down.  

Dream Sunday, May 27,2018

Dream I was in a city, not sure where but it was in another country, probably France, Spain or Italy.

I was there with my youngest Granddaughter and was looking for something.  I spent a lot of time in taxi”s (or whatever) trying to find some medicine or something specific.  

I don’t recall al lot of it, except fo the last part, we were in a car driving and looking for something.. 

The driver talked with an accent (to me) and I suddenly noticed that he was driving a car with the steering wheel on the right hand side.

The sheets were narrow and there were a lot of tall, stone like buildings.

As the dream seemed like a long dream, but  I can’t remember much except for he last part, but it seemed like it was a single dream.

That’s it for today, Tuesday, May 29, 2018.

Monday, May 28, 2018

2018 Spring May 28 Monday

73 degrees this morning, walk 34:10 minutes

A little more humid or something this morning during the walk, the air was “heavy”.  The wind was still down and it was a nice walk.  

First time this year I wore shorts and t-shirt for my morning walk this year, so that felt good.  

Pace was 7 seconds faster than my goal.

As I sit on my patio writing this, the moon is still high in the sky as it is still setting. Not near as dramatic as yesterday morning perhaps it is in the process.  

If the air was a little lighter it would be a perfect morning. 

I accidentally found one good reason for an Apple watch, it is very efficient and effective in dialing 9-1-1!  Fortunately it was accidental that I “dialed” it. (You actually slide  little bar.)  If I figured it right, it not only dials 9-1-1 it also sends your name, emergency contacts and any outstanding medical conditions (like allergies etc.).

Amazing.  I think it is worth the money just for that feature along.  Not that it isn’t easy to pick up a phone and dial 9-1-1 but to have the watch right there….  Also, sometimes if you are injured etc. it could be much easier to “talk to the arm”.  

We switched out cell phones to another carrier yesterday.  It went very smooth as such things go. Our granddaughters even got the chance to upgrade on a “buy one, get one” deal.  

And, of course, my watch is now an independent communication source for whatever that means.  All those years ago when I was reading Dick Tracy in the comics speaking into his watch, I can now do!  

With “Facetime”, I an even use it as a video phone, just like Dick Tracy!  I wonder why I still have to drive a car?  

Actually, with all of the complexity of a “self-driving car”, I will be a little surprised it it ever actually occurs, at least in it’s entirety  

I think I always thought that a “self-driving car” would be somewhat like a train, where it would follow a strip on the road (or whatever) and be able to come on and off instead of the extensive dependence on GPS.  

I an see self-driving cars or trucks being useful for long highway driving, I think it is in the urban environment where the problem really occurs.  
I was reading about car insurance rates the other day, and a Tesla costs about twice what the next most expensive car is to insure!  Not surprising.

it is a good Memorial Day weekend.  The start of Summer in actuality, with July 4 marking the half-way point and Labor Day the end.  Not according to the calendar, but in the mind of our society.

Don’t plan on just jumping in and starting eating meat today.  I am just open to it to lower my carb intake, I do not plan on making a big deal about it.  Probably will continue a lot of vegetarian eating when it makes sense.  Eating a lot of rice, potatoes, bread or desserts etc. instead of eating meat doesn’t make any sense.  I’m just going to evaluate my eating pattern to find what makes the most sense for me.

The moon has descended into the west, the first birds are chirping to meet the day.

That’s it for now, Monday, May 28, 2018. 

Sunday, May 27, 2018

2018 Spring May 27 Sunday

73 degrees this morning walk 32:38 minute walk.

Wonderful morning for a walk.  There was a (maybe almost full moon) no wind, not too cool. 

Somewhere I must have missed a turn or turned a corner too sharp as my distance was about .06 miles shorter than my average.

However, my pace was a sparkling 21 seconds below my goal.  (The pace doesn’t depend on the distance.)

My watch advised me I used about 284 calories, about enough to make up for that spoonful of syrup or that tablespoon of peanut butter or a candy bar!

I noticed I started smelling more “odors” or “scents” in the air.  I think that is because of a “nasal wash” I started to use (it sounds gross, but it really isn’t bad) is cleaning out my congestion from allergies etc. for the first time in years since I moved to this area.

I am sitting on my back patio watching a “moon set” in the west this morning.  It is a beautiful scene.  I have seen very few “moon sets” of the full-moon and I just sit and watch in wonder as the moon descends, lighting up the sky, but darkening as it sets.

I am looking for to the CMA Fest this year.  Not only is it the CMA Fest, but the “Hot Wheels Legends Tour” is also going to be there during the time we will be there!  Yea!  Now that is something I am looking forward to, the heck with the crowd and traffic!  

They have 50 “full-size” cars modeled after “Hot Wheels” cars, plus a lot of other stuff.  I am really looking forward to it!  

I finished listening to “Grant” by Ron Chernow.  Oddly enough, after about 50 hours (actually it is 48 hours and one minute, but I normally go back several minutes each day to provide context for the next day) of listening, I finished it right as I went into the house as I ended my walk yesterday!  It is a wonderful book and I actually will miss listening to it each morning as I walk.

I feel this autobiography is up there with the best, both the subject and the writing.  It ranks with probably my favorite biographer, Doris Kearns Goodwin.  

I am going to read more of his biographies or at least listen to them.

I debated what to listen to next.  

Finally I decided on “The Power Broker:  Robert Moses and the Fall of New York” by Robert Caro.  He was one of the most, or probably the most, powerful park and planning official in history, so I thought it would be fascinating to learn more about him.
I listened to about the first 35 minutes of the 66 hour book this morning during my walk.  I hope it picks up a little as time goes on!  The biography of Grant may have spoiled me!  I figure 66 hours of “The Power Broker”  will just about take me the rest of the Summer, assuming I listen to it only when I walk.  This will be close to, if not the, longest book I have read.

i had hoped to start listening to more podcasts or even delving into improving my Spanish, but there is only a limited amount of time available  

Probably will eat meat Monday for the first time in 3 1/2 months, or at least will be open to it.  But not today.  

That’s it for now, Sunday, May 27, 2018.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

2018 Spring May 26 Saturday

69 degrees this morning,  walk 34:48 minutes

I really wasn’t sure how I would react to the “colder” weather this morning, but everything went smooth.  My cough etc. is much better, I had a brief relapse yesterday, but it may have been just clearing things out so to speak.  And it still wasn’t near as bad as it has been. 

Shortly after I finished this journal yesterday morning, the wind came up (as I mentioned it was), the temperature dropped 12 degrees and a heavy rain came in ! You never really know.

Thank goodness it was an “office day” for me and not a “field day”.   (It probably would have become an “office day” very fast!)

The storm went through and it became a vary nice day.

Pace this morning walk was 4 seconds slower than my goal, which is excellent considering my layoff and that I really wasn’t trying to walk fast.

I decided to follow my own talk, and looked for alternative mobile phone plans with another company other than ATT.  The watch ripoff was the crowbar that broke the camels back!

If everything is as it seems (which isn’t likely with cell-phone companies), I am getting a much better plan at about 40% of the cost of my current ATT plan.  I am still checking it out.  Many times what you see in writing is much different than what you heard (or what was actually said)!  

Of course I can still remember when the first plans were offered that offered  a certain number of minutes of “free long-distance” and “unlimited minutes”.  They actually did turn out to be good advances.  When was the last time anyone paid “long distance” charges or even “roaming” charges (at last in the United States).

We are also switching our home security system, which is another case of deal with smoke and mirrors so to speak.  Suddenly a $12.00 per month plan is $55 per month without the blink of the eye!  

Anyway, I am sure we are going the “Nest” way as far as a video doorbell  and lock etc., we may keep our old wired security system for awhile as far as monitoring.  I really hate long term contracts with their well hidden “automatic renewal” clauses.

I really feel they should be required to inform you of any time deadlines as far as “automatic renewal” clauses.   They ought to be illegal without adequate notice to cancel.  I was shocked to discover in various security plans (in very fine print) that you had to give a years notice or be automatically renewed for a year etc.  I just refuse to deal with companies like that, or sign any clause like that.  

I think many magazines started that and I still resent it.  

Memorial Day is here, soon, Summer will start and then there is no Spring without going through the long winter again.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, May 26, 2018.

Friday, May 25, 2018

2018 Spring May 25 Friday

75 degrees this morning, walk 35:10 minutes 

Weather was excellent this morning for my first walk in about two weeks.  Thought I was going to “stroll” a shorter walk to start off, but ended up going the normal distance and throughly enjoyed it.  Continued with my weights etc.

Overall, very little negative reaction, didn’t cough any more than I did before.  Soon I will be back to biking again.  

Thanking again about the “ride with the Summer’ ideal, maybe I’ll prepare for it next year, although an abbreviated one.  Since I expect to still be working, I will need to fit it within a normal vacation time.  

Pace was 18 seconds slower than my goal, which was still better than I expected after the layoff.  

Sitting on my beloved back patio, listening to the wind through the trees.  It isn’t warm, but it isn’t cold, it is very nice.  Wind is coming up a little, lightning in the north. 

Still puzzled by the “insecure network” message I get at Starbucks and other public places.  Even after Starbucks supposedly set up a “connect every time” feature, I find myself using the phone and burning up my data plan.

It is another example of “tech” thinking they know what is good for you, instead of letting you make your own decisions.  A simply “warning” would be ok, but blocking you from the network because they are “concerned” for your safety and want to rip you off by making you use their high priced data plan?  Of course, they are blocking it JUST for your safety!  

What is funny is I can’t find out WHO is blocking the network, “for my safety”.  It isn’t Apple, probably ATT.  

Actually I have a VPN I use on public networks but they don’t recognize it.

Anyway, I decided to hook up my Apple Watch to cellular.  I had been advised on ATT it was an additional $10 per month.  Well, last night I tired it and it quickly became $80 per month more!

Of course, I complained ATT and they, in their norma rip off fashion, politely advised me that the $10 was “access” (of course!) only and the watch required it’s own phone line.  But $80 per month!  And there were things like taxes, ATT rip off surcharges etc.  Of course!  Goodby ATT!

Of course, I already have negative feelings about ATT from my experience in moving from Lakeland.  They cut off my number the day before we moved and I could never get a “number forwarding message”, probably costing me a change at jobs etc. I complained to ATT for several years and only received the normal “That shouldn’t happen” message but never any results.  

We knew we would never use ATT for our home phone again or buy Direct TV etc., but we should have known to stayed away from them for anything. 

Still, I never expected the complete rip-off on the Apple Watch.  Fortunately I didn’t pay anything extra for the cellular part of the watch, Apple kindly included it when they replaced the watch. 

Anyway I found another plan for 50% of the ATT Plan (watch included) but I need to check out the details.  Cellular phone companies have turned into “merger monopolies”, and you have to watch them.

Same with home security companies, but that is another post.  

Start of a 3 day weekend (well, it really starts tonight),which is nice, as is the reason for the Memorial Day Weekend.  I remember when I was a child making the trip to Soldier, Kansas to remember on Memorial Day and the wonderful meal they had (and still have). 

That’s it for now, Friday, May 25, 2018.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

2018 Spring May 24 Thursday

71 degrees this morning, no walk.

Feeling much better, but decided to wait one day before walking.  Still have a cough, but I am feeling much better and coughing etc. is greatly reduced. The Doctor said to “push the water” and even though I already drink a lot of water, I have been “pushing the water”, with at least one expected result!  (I get up more at night!)

However, I think it is working, which is a real relief.  

I feel I am missing the best part of the year, although it really has about 4 more months.    I especially enjoy walking this time of year as well as sitting outside in the early morning.  

I thought about sitting outside this morning to write this post, but decided to wait.  For whatever reasons, cold air bothers my cold and even 71 degrees can be “cool” in the dark. 

I plan on getting my first taste of campaigning this weekend, at least for a while.  I felt it was time to show some support for someone running against the “elected” representatives who are primarily interested in shoveling money to their donors and lobbyists while making the low and moderate income voters pay for it in the interest of “decreasing taxes” (especially for the donors and lobbyists).   

I probably won’t make much of a difference, but at least I am doing something.  

I have watched with great interest some of the changes in the area where I live.  The development of local restaurants, art, and general livability growth has been nothing of amazing. 

Generally, the area has developed a lot of pockets of “look at me” type of attitude, which is good, whether you agree with all of the concepts or not.

Of course, the main city still does not protect residential areas well (fortunately the city I live in does an excellent job of it), but growth takes time.  

One aspect of my job I especially like is the opportunity to observe closely the development of the new businesses etc., as well as appreciate some of the real jewels in the area. 

Although not a “new” concept (and obviously I’m not saying anything to identify the business), I was amazed to discover a man who has been collecting art, coins, American Indian art etc. apparently for a lifetime and now is in the process of selling it.  
I’m not in the market for that type of thing, but I appreciate looking at it, and that it is available in this area. 
What is surprising is the store is in a somewhat older and poorly maintained  “strip” shopping center with a name that doesn’t really describe the true treasurers involved.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see a well-endowed museum purchase the entire store!  It did look like from some of the traffic I saw that it has been “discovered”, which makes me happy for the man who owns it.  He described it as his “401 K”!

Well, I decided I will need to resume eating meat, primarily as a weight control measure, and combine that with a firm “carb control” diet, as well as avoiding the fattier meats etc  I will be open to stat eating some meat again Monday, Memorial Day.  Probably start back with fish, chicken etc. and even light hamburger.  We’ll see, but for today, I will still not eat any meat!

That’s it for now, Thursday, May 24, 2018.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

2018 Spring May 23 2018

72 degrees this morning, no walk 

Still didn’t walk this morning.  Feel like my cough etc. is getting better, but I still have a cough when  I am  exercising.  Aiming for no later than Friday.

Got medical advice the other day and hopefully some medicine and some advise that will resolve this.  It was much more than allergies, although I don’t doubt that allergies started it.  

I see medical problems of people around me and I quit feeling sorry for myself!  I still will be glad when I am able to start exercise walking again.  The audible books are accumulating that I am waiting to listen to!

John Leland (Happiness is a Choice You Make) went into detail about people’s responses to obstacles etc. in his long-term review of people over 85 years old.

His thoughts are that one way to more “happiness”  (I’m not sure if that is the correct timer) at any age is to give up the requirements  about being “in control” and realize you probably aren’t “in control” of your life.  

He suggests instead thinking of life as meeting the obstacles in life that come up in spite of everything, rather than trying to control obstacles.

That actually makes a lot of sense, although I need to think about it some more.  Probably some of the most less stressed people I know are ones who don’t try necessarily to “control” but who meet problems and accept the problems are there and deal with them on a “step” basis.  

Another approach is you will be happy “in spite of” conditions.  He suggests truly “happy” people, accept the problems and don’t waste time bewailing their problems but adjusting to them.  May be difficult to actually do emotionally even if you intellectually accept the idea.

He again emphasizes the fallacy of the feeling you will be happy “if only”, which is basically he feeling you can be happy based on something else happening,  outside circumstances etc.  

This concept is that, especially as you age, you need to “choose happiness from what is available, learn to give up things you that seemed important that you no longer have.  Again, easier said than done!

I think “choosing from what is available” is really key, although I don’t know for sure how you “really” do this.  

Another concept he mentions is “letting go of false needs”

I found these concepts to be interesting, 

“Realizing” what you can’t have and being happy with what you can have is probably one of the keys to “happiness” at any age. I think emotionally coming to that point is difficult at any age.

I was thinking the other day at my granddaughters graduation, Life as you age is diminishing  opportunities.  Once you choose a college, your opportunity for other colleges disappears or at leas diminishes.  Once you choose a job, etc. and, of course, as you age, your opportunities diminish as the years in from of you diminish.

I think happiness, or at least contentment with life, is learning to deal with that and accept that diminishing opportunities is acceptable and accept the opportunities you have.    

I am not saying, don’t try for things that will make you happy, sometimes the attempt is the goal, but be happy with “what is”, not “what could be”.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, May 23, 2018.