Friday, January 19, 2018

2018 Winter January 19 Tuesday

31 degrees this morning (felt like 19), Walk 35:15 minutes

Felt colder than 31 degrees, probably the wind which made it feel like 19!  As usual, after I got moving it didn’t really matter.  

No pace or other information, I miss my Apple Watch!  

The problem with using the iPhone (or an old phone or device) to keep time is the delay in pulling it out etc.  

I do have an old wrist stop watch that I couldn’t find and just realized it is in my swimming stuff!

I have had the opportunity to wear my “old” watches, which is nice.  One is over 20 years old (still running fine) that Aliene gave to me and obviously my favorite watch, while the other is a watch I just like to wear to causal wear to save my favorite watch.

I didn’t really expect the Apple Watch to last more than four years, five probably at the most at least before it became obsolete.  I didn’t expect it to have the screen fall off in less than a year and one fourth.  After the screen fell off, I noticed this is a common problem and apparently a defect in the watch construction.  

I have to admit I really thought it would like be other Apple products, I would use it as my “main” “smart watch” for 4 years, use it maybe as a work watch for several years etc.  Not it appears I will be lucky if it lasts two years  In spite of that I think is it worth the money, but in the future I will buy the cheapest watch and just figure it is shoddily made.  More on that in the future. 

It was good to get back to walking again. 

I am so disgusted with the pathetic, criminal activities I am hearing about on “Dark Money”, I will glad when I finish listening to the book.  Purchased politicians, the kook brothers and their devious, criminal ways of influencing the “masses’ and buying their puppet politicians is making me really disgusted and angry.

I really think their activities could be destroying democracy, especially with the antics of a lying coward puppet lunatic as “president” with a party  of sycophants, cowards and criminals in power who enable him who are also the puppets of the lunatic fringe of extremists who got rich ripping off the government and now want to destroy it, or maybe better put buy it including the politicians and now the court system.  

My sleep patterns after I was sick changed an little and my regular “naps” morphed a little into more meditation rather than deep sleep.  I was still “sleeping’, it just was more of a matter of a trance type state where I was still awake and semi-alert but my mind was resting.  Hard to describe it without it seeming strange!

Anyway, I have been having various thoughts float through my mind rather than dreams as such.  One I actually got up and made a note of it, like I do my dreams.  

I am running out of space (I try to keep this to a specific length), so I’ll go into it in the future. 

Suppose to be “warm” (60’s) this weekend, looking forward to that!  

That’s it for now, Friday, January 19, 2018.

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