2017 Summer August 6 Sunday
73 degrees this morning, no walk, rain
Rain came in overnight, basically a light rain.
Birthday party yesterday was very nice, I enjoyed it.
I haven’t felt any real signs of allowing a “number” to affect my thinking or feeling about life. So far I haven’t. I think part of it is obviously I have known it was coming for a long time, so I had time to prepare for it!
Still, you never know until you are at your (or the) destination!
The fact it does come with some major benefits probably helps! Now the next decade age (80) may bother me, but on the other hand if I’m healthy and active, it is something to be thankful for because I can’t do anything about it, in ten years I will be 80 regardless of how I feel about it!
Generally everyone at the party yesterday in my age group (generally within 5 years older, next youngest one was probably 15 years younger) agreed that 70 was ok, now 80….. We’ll see!
Probably what always amazes me about events like this is how fast life does go, children grow and leave home before you know it and become adults and you wonder where the time went, even if it seemed like forever while you were going through it.
As my favorite saying goes “The World Without End is Ending’.
I actually wrote (with the generous assistance of my Poetry instructor) a book of poems on the subject and published it years ago. I still read them occasionally.
Poetry was another “outside my normal boundary” activity. Even though I had never had any interest in poetry, I took a poetry writing seminar put on by a community college and actually found I enjoyed it. I won’t much good, but I enjoyed it and especially enjoyed the change of pace from my regular job as City Manager.
Later I took the poetry writing course, a regular course at a local college. I enjoyed it, don’t regret taking it, but I am not a poet! Much as I would like to, I don’t read poetry, just can’t get into it.
I have been reading about how some of the lying bully’s administration and the Senate and House leadership real secret intent is to cut Medicare, which would really upset me, and I hope cause everyone else to vote them out.
I know i have been paying for Medicare for years, (as well as Social Security) so I expect to receive the benefits!
Today is actually my birthday. Someone asked how I planned on celebrating, and actually I just hope to lead my normal Sunday life! Maybe eat something special or take an extra nap!
Finished the book “Silence” yesterday (about the missionary in Japan). I don’t know if there was any basis in truth to it, but it was interesting to read it. Now I can relax and get the book back to the Library and pay my fine on it!
It was certainly a book I would have never thought I would have enjoyed, so it was nice to stretch my boundaries a little and read something different.
Starting another decade, actually just moving past the biblical “three score and ten”. I had never thought of that before, interesting how something pops into your head!
That’s it for now, Sunday, August 6, 2017, my 70th Birthday.
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