2017 Summer August 22 Tuesday
78 degrees this morning, walk 35:08 minutes
Walk was good this morning, a light wind cooled the walk. Humidity was 74%
I never paid a lot of attention to humidity, so I’m just realizing the impact of humidity on walking and exercise. Of course I knew when it was very high humidity or low humidity etc. but I don’t know if I consciously thought about the impact of, say 74% humidity to 97% humidity (if it wasn’t raining).
Pace was 11 seconds slower than my goal, meaning my goal is probably about right. I usually am about 15 seconds either way on my goal pace and almost never more than 30 seconds either way.
I have to groan again about the lying bully coward and his games of “I know, but I”m not going to tell you”. Just like his “plan” for tax cuts which were essentially one page of paper, ditto the “infrastructure plan”, I’m sure his military “plan” is some general idea from someone with an interest in ripping off the government or enriching his family.
Got a chance to look at the eclipse after all over my noon hour, it was really wonderful. Probably the most unusual part was the tree leaves and the “little eclipses” from the tree leaves.
I have to think again, how in the world did they figure all of this was going to happen with such precision?
Kind of like listening to the “Industrial Revolution” and the advances they made even in the early 1700’s in steam engines, canals, steel making etc. Consider the brutal living conditions, the lack of equipment etc., it is really just amazing that so many inventions were created, and, probably even more amazing, actually built and implemented and then improved upon.
I had a lot of thoughts about futuristic things that are standard now, but there is no way I knew how to invent and build them!
I think fantasy and imagination are keys to creativity, as long as it is channeled correctly.
While I generally think the news media does an excellent job, I certainly wish they would not waste my time with “game of thrones” or whatever the latest fad in tv or the internet is. Fortunately I either read all of my news or watch on tape, so I can ignore or fast forward through that. On radio, I simply change the stations.
I really do not understand the fascination with video. I guess I simply have the lack of patience to watch it and waste time on the slow parts. Especially “talking heads” video that is mostly a slide show you can’t forward through or just “filling” scenes.
To each his own, fortunately there are still plenty of alternatives to video. I have to admit it does irritate me (and recently happened which is why it is on my mind) to see a “news story” than then find out it is a 2.45 second video or whatever. No thanks.
Debating trying to go to the Formula 1 event near where i am going to be in the next few months. I don’t want to go to the actual race but I would like to go the “practice” or “qualifying” and just actually see the cars and drivers in person.
I think about it, start to get excited about it, and then think of the parking, the sun, crowds etc. On the other hand it may be my only opportunity.
Wishing my friend, the possum, well. Haven’t seen him, but I know it has been busy because I haven’t seen any snakes or many pests either! Of course, I think the whole idea of a nocturnal animal is that you don’t see it very often, unless it is in the dark and then you don’t see it anyway since we can’t see as well as it can.
That’s it for now, Tuesday, August 22, 2017.
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