Saturday, October 08, 2016

2016 Fall October 8 Saturday

39 degrees this morning.  No walk.

Kind of a trip through my life yesterday as I went through the towns and territory where I lived and traveled from the 8th grade until I graduated from College.  

Much actually looked the same, some not the same.  I can think of only one business that I saw that still looked the same and had the same name (except for City Hall’s, churches etc.).

I drove by my beloved library (Russell, Kansas) where I hung out from the 8th through the 12th grade and it actually looked the same and seemed to be in good shape.  I was very pleased to see that.  

Actually I saw two businesses that were still in business, the “Bankers” clothing store and the “Dream” theatre.  Probably several others if I had looked closer.

Main Street looked the same and was bustling, although it was Friday evening.  

I don’t know who gave the money for the Russell Library, but they deserve all the praise and acclaim they have received.  I can’t think of a better gift to the community. Must better than a sports stadium. 

I am amazed at the number of “wind turbines”.  I think they are a sign of government incentives gone crazy, at least the state I live in.  Another case of the influence of lobbyists over common sense and the public good for the benefit of the few.  

I really expect in a few years (when the incentives and “tax benefits” run out), there will be a large number of turbine wind generators the government will need to remove that aren’t in operation and are a public nuisance. 

To me that isn’t “government at work”, that is “big money lobbyists” at work.  

Most of the “government” workers I know really care about their jobs and do a good job.  

When I was taking the Uber cars at the conference, I accidentally signed up to be a driver (at least the first step).  I was amazed I have been inundated with continuous e-mails to “finish up my application” and start driving.  (Basically provide my car type.)

Attending a Wedding Anniversary today.  Hard to believe so much time has passed so fast.  I was a Sophomore in college when they got married. 

One of the more strange events I remember when I drove through a town I lived in in high school was the sight an old filling station (now out of business but the building was still there).  A experimental Chrysler “Turbine car” had been parked there for several, for whatever reason.  We jimmied the hood and looked at the engine.  

Apparently the experiment was not successful since I don’t believe any were ever actually sold.  

I think what really highlights (maybe the wrong word) the passage of time is when I see what I think is an “older” man or woman and I wonder if I went to school with them!  I’ll never know, although the thought really makes me realize how much time has passed.

Looking forward to a day of meeting many people and places I haven’t seen for a long time.  

i was surprised to note that this blog just went over 1500 entries.  My first blog was March 15, 2015. I didn’t check when I started “daily” blogs, but I know it has been since at least early 2013.  

That’s it of now, Saturday, October 8, 2016.

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