52 degrees this morning.
At the conference recently, I had the chance for a “virtually reality” experience. It was definitely realistic, although I was well aware of the fact it was artificial.
The most realistic experience was the scene of being on top of a sports stadium feeling like there was no edge. I have to admit I did sneak my foot out just to make sure there was something firm there!
I can see a lot of uses (training etc.) for it, especially as it is improved.
Cool weather this morning. Not that I didn’t expect it, especially after the drop in temperature yesterday, but I don’t believe you are ever really ready for really cold weather.
Probably won’t be able to sit on the patio until next Spring. Winter seems to last forever.
I read last night where the city where we live and the school system are going into a “partnership” to build tennis courts. I really wonder how they came up with that!
A little research (very little) indicated the public school system has eliminated their tennis courts to build football stadiums! So somehow they city has to come in and fund their tennis courts now!
I am sure it will be another one-sided agreement like the one with the YMCA and school where the public basically is excluded.
The story noted the terms of the agreement hadn’t been set up yet, although they are buying the land no matter what.
While I respect the people who put out the enormous time and effort involved in public service, sometimes I really wonder how they think up some of these projects. The story mentioned that the existing public tennis courts will be used to expand “practice golf areas”, although golf is a declining sport.
Of course, I have no idea of the condition of the current tennis facility and it may be time for new ones, but there is no indication they considered just building new tennis facilities without involving the school system.
Newspapers have been arriving late, which may help me decide if I want to “cut the paper” and go strictly to internet news (except perhaps for the Sunday New York Times). The local newspaper in it’s wisdom decided to print the newspaper elsewhere, (so much for local support!) and it hasn’t worked very well yet.
Overall, I am surprised at how incompetent some “successful” businesses are. My CPAP machine is a case in point. Getting supplies for it has been almost impossible. I get excuses like “they used the wrong address”, “insurance won’t pay for it” (I checked and they do), or “there isn’t a prescription for it” (the Doctor said there is). They basically use a different excuse every time and say “they will check on it”, but of course I never hear anything.
What is strange is they make their money off the supplies!
Another example is the billing service for a Doctor. They are too lazy to properly fill out the insurance forms so I keep getting improperly billed. I check with the insurance company and they tell me not to pay it, that I don’t owe it. I am probably going to go to another Doctor who has a decent billing service.
Anyway, most company's and organizations are efficient so we notice the ones that aren’t. It is very frustrating dealing with them.
That’s it for now, Thursday, October 13, 2016.
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