79 degrees this morning, walk 35:28 minutes
Thinking of the GE motion detector night lights this morning.
As readers may or may not remember, I bought a motion detector LED night light last summer that was supposed to last for 13 years or so. Made by GE, what could be better.
The nightlight started to act bizarre after about three months, basically flashing really erratically etc.
Later I found out that a certain percentage of LED light bulbs (and probably all light bulbs) are defective, it is a fairly high percentage.
Anyway, being the good citizen and consumer I am, I assumed GE would want to know about the defective light. After all, 3 months is a lot shorter than 13 years!
I sent a very pleasant letter to their website noting that the motion detector light was supposed to last 13 years, but only lasted 3 months more or less.
I don’t hear anything for awhile after I sent a letter in and then I get this arrogant letter with a $5.00 gift certificate for GE lightbulbs.
I sent it back, with a letter explaining again that I wasn’t complaining to receive a gift certificate or anything else (i hadn’t even asked for my money back on the defective light), I just felt they should know that a light they claimed should last 13 years had lasted only 3 months.
Again, no contact, and I get a letter with a FedEx mailing label asking me to send it in for evaluation. So, I sent it in (although I had to buy a “FedEx” quality mailing box for about $5.00 in keeping with the FedEx policy of maximum unexpected fees).
One day, I suddenly get a package with four units of the motion detector LED night lights. No explanation or letter or anything, I guess the night lights spoke for themselves.
Of course the upshot is, the 4 of them are so useful I am having a hard time not buying several more! I have them placed in strategic locations so I can get up in the morning and dress for walking etc. without having to turn on any lights!
They are really excellent nightlight and well worth the money. I don’t know if a motion detector LED night light will actually save any money, but they sure are nice and put out just the right amount of light for me to move around without turning on a light!
Success in the end, I guess, except that now I forgot where I bought the original one at.
Wind is up this morning which means I get to “enjoy” listening to my neighbors wind chimes. They aren’t really intrusive, but they are, and I think the neighbor (I have no idea who it is) is rather arrogant to impose their noise on everyone else.
Just my opinion. It is one of those things that you just kind of forget as soon as you don’t hear it anymore, but I would like to just hear the wind in the trees without other noise.
Pleased to have several Crepe Myrtles in our back yard (At lease until it comes time to maintain them!). They are blooming very nicely and apparently weren’t damaged by the lack of water.
Hopefully the sprinkler company will be back soon to finish the remainder of the sprinkler system repairs. At least we can put some water on the grass and plants.
Next week (or this week, depending on how you look at it) will be the first full week of work for me in July.
That’s it for now, Sunday, July 17, 2016.
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