Monday, July 11, 2016

2016 Summer July 11 Monday

79 degrees this morning, no walk (yet), 

The 69th Courter Family Reunion and our pre-vacation is over, simply a matter of heading back home today.  It was an excellent vacation and Courter Family Reunion.  

Usually whether something like a vacation or conference is considered to be excellent is if it meets or exceeds expectations.  

I’m not sure if I really had any expectations for this trip, except that the baseball games not rain out and we have good weather for the Courter Reunion and that everyone arrived safe and sound.  Of course, I had the usual expectations for visiting, which were met or surpassed!

I always enjoy the opportunity to walk in a different area.  Since I usually walk by myself, walking with someone else  is a nice change also. 

The walk Saturday and Sunday was over a different terrain and was a nice change to my normal walking route, although it was certainly more challenging!  It was in a preserve area and included some hills and was a rock/dirt/gravel path.  There was some amazing scenery on the walk and the opportunity to see some wildlife I normally don’t see.  

The flock (I believe, not “herd”) of turkeys was really amazing, especially when the males fanned out their tail feathers!  

Returning the rental car today.  Hopefully the damage to the car won’t be  big hassle since I have all of the insurance information of the person who hit the car. Of course they want to sell their unbelievably high profit (for them) insurance to cover the car.  They charge $32.00 per day while such insurance is available from the on-line rentals (like Priceline etc.) for $8.00 per day.

The hotel certainly more than exceeded expectations. If you ever are in Manhattan, Kansas and want/need to stay near Kansas State University, the Bluemont Hotel is an excellent choice!  They may well adjust their  price depending on events, but the price was reasonable also.

I actually grew up thinking of Kansas State Univeristy as “my team”.  I was always for them to win in basketball.  Forget about football until a lot more recently!  When I was a child you didn’t even think about K State Football.  

Seeing Tex Winter Drive reminded me of the K State Basketball coach Tex Winter.  (I didn’t know until I looked it up on Google to see how long he as K State coach that his real name is Fred Winter, the “Tex” is a nickname he got when he moved to California from his home state of Texas.)

On of the biggest thrills of my life a the time was the chance to meet Tex Winter.  He was a friend of a person I worked for and, if I recall correctly, I had lunch with him.  Probably didn’t say a lot, probably sat there in awe!

He actually served as K State basketball coach for 15 years.

Returning to “real life” today.  Driving back home.  It was actually much cheaper to rent a car for up here and then get a “one way” rental for one day.  The airline schedule is horrible.  There used to be direct flights, but no more. 

Maybe an “Urber” airline service will start to provide some competition to the airlines!  Or, as I mentioned the other day, if they ever perfect “transporting” from one place to another.

I found out “Apparition”  is the correct term from Harry Potter books, but the dictionary doesn’t include it as a definition.  Neither Transporting or Apparition may be the correct word, but now isn’t the time to debate it!

Anyway, another Reunion/vacation is over, a future one is planned.

That’s it for now, Monday, July 11, 2016.

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