38 Degrees this morning, 45:09 minutes walking
February is a month where it is nice to see the sun shine more as the day of sunlight gets longer. However, I also am extremely tired of the cold (even if it is mild) and am ready for some warmth!
I always think every winter this time of year I need to get away and just feel the warm air for a few days. Not this year, maybe next year.
Sometimes it seems as if the days meld into one long day this time of year. If I was prone to depression (thank goodness I don’t think I am), this would be a bad time of year.
I always watch for the small signs of Spring (the first yellow flower that I call a crocus whether it is or not, the first green blade of grass, the bud of the tree.
In Lakeland, I always waited for the first bullfrog, although that was actually for warmer weather.
Probably what I miss about my current lifestyle is the “looking forward” to something, a vacation, a conference, a trip to see our families etc.
As Aliene can tell you, I love to plan travel. If we decide to go someplace, I’m on to planning how to go, where to stay, etc. As I frequently said (although it isn’t really true), I enjoy the planning as much as the actual travel. That really isn’t true, maybe for a very small percentage of travel, but overall I just enjoy the newness and differentness of it.
I can remember years ago, I wold plan out my week as far as movies etc. to watch on tv or activities to do. Then I would never actually do of them or perhaps a few. Later I planned activities on weekends and evenings and did go and I am always glad I did try new experiences .
But the small occurrences in life are good also. I still enjoy drinking my tea and opening the sun roof (and turning up the heater) and music on my way back from “in the field”. One the little joys in a day of winter!
Probably a routine I like best is reading my paper and drinking my coffee in the morning. Not quite as good as sitting out on the patio in the summer early in the morning but it is fun also.
Of course one of my favorite little pleasures is the “second sleep”, the 1/2 hour or so nap I absolutely take every day.
I was just thinking, one year ago today (maybe not exactly today, but close) we were in -14 degree weather one day and 85 degree weather several days later. I got extremely ill one night and was sick for basically 24 hours and I missed visiting my sister and cousin, a visit I was really looking forward too. Unfortunately, several days later, I was feeling great, we were in Sedona AZ and Aliene was sick with what I had. We had been upgraded to a beautiful suite with a beautiful view and we couldn’t enjoy it. But ti turned out ok.
Not one of the best trips, although for a number of reasons I remember it for both it’s highs and it’s lows.
One of those times your realize “you don’t always get what you want, but you get what you need” (or words to that effect).
It seems like that time is years ago, not just one year. Somehow the year has gone by and I don’t know if I have changed or my expectations have changed. I really cannot believe where I was (mind and psychological wise) a year ago. I’m not sure where it changed. Not good or bad, just changed.
Just for the heck of it looked up the lyrics of the actual song I was trying to quote. I was really surprised at the context of the song, but the actual lyrics are:
“No, you can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
You an’t always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need”
That’s it for now, 4:42 a.m., Wednesday, February 4, 2015.
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