Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Winter 2015 February 18 Wednesday

25 degrees this morning, 46:22 minutes walking (a little ice occasionally) 

Ice and snow still freezing/refreezing, but basically gone.  Actually relatively nice day yesterday in the afternoon. 

Hopefully it will be nice the next couple of days and this weekend.

This is the weekend of the “Library Book Sale”.  I don’t really need any more books and I don’t intend to buy anything, but I like to go, just being around other book lovers is fun.  

I’m going to take a moment and note how disgusted I am with the Kentucky basketball team as a concept, not necessarily with the players (I don't think much of the coach and what I do is bad).  A bunch of “one and done” basketball players is a pro team, not a college team.  They take the place of college students who really want to go to college and who really want to pl;ay basketball.  

I’m not even sure why I even care, but somehow a bunch of pros for one year just doesn’t seem fair.  What really was irritating  was the announcers fawning over the bunch of pros instead of telling it like it is, that a bunch of pros for one year isn’t really a college team.  

What is really disgusting is how the announcers fawned over the pro team instead of telling it like it is, that it really isn’t a college basketball team, but  a pro team that is going to be gone after one year. 

Speaking of this, I recently read an article about how “faceless”anger is growing.  People make threats etc. against people on the internet and then are shocked when they are taken seriously.   It is like they assume since they don’t know people, (and, except for possibly Facebook,  and public figures )they don’t even know their name

The overall thrust of the article is that many people, especially  if it is against someone who is “faceless” since they aren’t really a “person” to some people, especially when the internet is involved with the high energy anonymous ways of accusing  and attacking people.

Of course, it also carries over to going way overboard in what becomes gang media attacks.  

While we still have some time, we are getting ready for the second round of looking at housing alternatives this week.  There are a lot of factors involved in a decision like this, especially since we don’t have to make a decision if that makes any sense.  

Sometimes computer programs are enough to drive me nuts.  It seems like the persons who are smart enough to develop such wonders could somehow to a better job of conveying  how to operate them and make their self-repairing in a sense.  (I am currently referring to a “time/activity” program, but the same applies to Evernote etc.)

What is ever worse is when, like Apple iTunes, is completely changed and they don’t even bother to tell you of the changes, even when it dramatically changes how you operate it. 
I think they forget, “anything is simple once you know how to do it”.  But if you don’t know, it is as complex as any math problem.

I am slowly but surely reconstituting my “books read” program on the computer.  I looked at all kinds of programs and finally decided I couldn’t beat the  simple spreadsheet on my “Google Apps” although I am sure there  are better programs .  I ‘ll take what I can get    

It will be interesting to see how many books I have read (probably correct to about 20 books either way) in the last 26 years!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, February 18, 2015


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