Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Fall 2014 December 9 Tuesday (Dr. Pepper, Easter Bunny)

39 degrees this morning no walk, six earthquakes

Head cold actually improved yesterday and got better as the day went on, although it was still a problem this morning.  Maybe my “home remedy” of Gatorade and Sudafed works! 

Something really odd, I remember when I was in high school, this restaurant had a clock that read “Dr. Pepper, Hot or Cold”.

Whenever I got a cold, I wanted a “hot” Dr. Pepper, not thinking that the sign meant the temperature, hot or cold, not the Dr. Pepper itself hot or cold

I still wonder what a “hot” Dr. Pepper would taste like when I get a head cold.  I never did get to have a “hot” Dr. Pepper.  

I don’t know if I  told anyone about my fantasy or not, but I never did get to try a “hot” Dr. Pepper!    I think I vaguely remember asking for “hot” Dr. Pepper at the restaurant and getting laughed at, but I don’t really recall.

Another part of my “home remedy’” I didn’t try yesterday is hot tea.  

Of course, due to my “GERD” I quit drinking carbonated beverages completely.  The carbonation makes me cough violently after I switched to a lighter antacid (Tagament) over some stronger medicine that was  creating some other problems with side effects, primarily my immune system.  

I honestly have not  missed carbonated beverages at all.

When you start to feel sick, you appreciate how well you feel most of the time and realize that a lot of small troubles are just  that, small.  

I do remember my parents saying “if you have your health, you have everything” (or words to that effect, maybe not “everything”).

I always think when I get sick, how I would feel if I knew I’d never feel good again.  It is not a good feeling!  The one thing that helps me get through these bouts is knowing i will eventually feel better. 

“Office day” today.  I had a lot of new information, so I prepared for my “field day” tomorrow.  As usual, I probably   am planning more than I can actually get done.  

However, I thought I would rather have too much (it can always wait another dayI), than too little and have to come back early, although I ALWAYS have paperwork I can do!  If nothing else I can spend time getting familiar with procedures etc.

Toastmasters last night was interesting.  It made me think about how I “assume” someone knows something.

The question concerned the “holidays” and the “Table Topics” question (Table Topics is a part when members are asked questions they don’t get in advance and they are expected to talk 2-3 minutes on the subject.  He was asked something about the “Easter Bunny” and his response was “what’s the Easter Bunny!  

I really can’t assume that someone else knows what I mean!

Anyway, I am SO glad to be feeling better.  I thought I was looking at a week of feeling bad.  A warning to take care of myself!

That’s it for now, Tuesday, December 9 2014

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