Sunday, December 14, 2014

Fall 2014 December 14 Sunday

60 degrees this morning. 47:27 minutes walking.  2 earthquakes

Got a new pair of walking shoes yesterday, hopefully it will resolve the issue of the toe pain I feel when I walk.

They felt good walking this morning, hopefully they will help.  

The shop we bought them from was a little independent shop.  The sales person even put the shoes on, tied them and took them off.  He bought out 4 pairs of shoes and I tried each one on.

Talk about service!  Actually the price of the shoe wasn’t that bad, considering the service provided.

We’ll see what happens after I walk in them for a few mornings.

Weather isn’t that bad but it is damp, which makes it seem colder.  I think it probably will be a couple of days of rain coming in, so I may have wait on trying out the shoes.  

The wind was up this morning and and made it seem colder than 60 degrees.

I still have a slight cough, so I am still taking a shorter walk.

I buckled down and learned some Evernote usage yesterday.  My knowledge is probably about 500% more than I knew yesterday morning, and  I still don’t know that much.  I decided to at least learn enough so I can use it more.

I learned some of the organizational basics so I can at least keep the basics organized.  Things like my appointments, phone calls, mileage etc  

Aliene made a lot of fudge this afternoon.  I helped some and got to lick the bowl and mixer.  (She did most of the work.)

“”Lick” is not the appropriate word.  I actually used a spoon.  Super fudge!  

Still feels a little strange not to do any work on weekends.  I still feel  like I should be doing something for work.

Not that I mind NOT having to do anything for work, it is nice to have time for my activities, It is just hard to get used to.

We are listening to the book “The Goldfinch” while we are in the car.  It is quite a book to say the least!  It takes a while, we are slightly over 50% complete and we have probably been listening at least a month to it.  

It is a story of his attachment to a picture, although most of the action is otherwise.  I assume he has PTSD from the explosion that killed his mother  (I don’t want to spoil the story for someone who hasn’t read or listened to it yet.)  

I can emphasize with him on how hard it is to get rid of something, in his case even though it doesn’t belong to him legally.  It certainly belongs to him emotionally

Supposed to rain later today, I think it is supposed to be heavy snow or rain next weekend, I believe the storm that is in California now.

It seems like in this area the bad (winter) weather seems to start around Christmas.

That’s it for now, Sunday, December 14, 2014.

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