Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fall 2014 October 26 Sunday (Peanut Butter)

71 degrees this morning. 55:24 minute walk Two Earthquakes in last 24 hours

Supposed to reach 89 degrees this afternoon.  Probably the last days of shorts, t-shirts and scandals for 2014!

Started reading a book about my favorite food, “peanut butter” (Jon Karmpner, “Creamy & Crunchy”).  

It is interesting reading, I found that peanut butter was actually “invented” in the 1890s and first became popular at the 1904 Worlds Fair in St. Louis.   Hydrogenated peanut butter was patented (by whom is still in disagreement due to the names used in the patents) in late 1920’s.  

I remember peanut butter from when I was a child (It was my  favorite food then also) and somehow I had envisioned it had been around forever.  

For a number of years I quit eating peanut butter because of the calories (which it dos have!), but several years ago I started eating it again, life is meant to be enjoyed!

Actually, I don’t  eat “peanut butter and jelly sandwiches” anymore, I rarely eat jelly anymore (a great loss, but jelly/jam does just have too many calories), but I eat peanut butter on apples (for breakfast) and on celery and carrots (for lunch). 

I have been known to (and do) eat peanut butter on hard boiled eggs and other combinations.

Very rarely (usually when eating out for breakfast) I will have peanut butter and toast.  We don’t have bread around the house, so I never eat a PB sandwich at home.

I really love peanut butter with honey, but it just has too many calories to eat often.  

Aliene is still feeling better (her headaches have even  decreased a lot) after the second “nerve block” shot.  Hopefully the effects of the shot will continue to be positive.  

Getting our offices set up today, finished moving items around, although I”m sure it will be a continuous process.  

Wonderful weather today, as I expect it is in most of the country.  I am sure it will turn sometime to much cooler weather.

I really like the weather for walking, bicycle riding etc.  It is just so much more pleasant in warmer weather

As I have mentioned before, I rejoined Toastmasters and have been becoming more active in speaking.  Monday I am the “Toastmaster”, which basically just means I run the meeting. 

I had forgotten the preparation involved.  Although not a lot, it is difficult to do at the last minute, so I need to prepare in advance.

I have never appreciated the ability to do something at the last minute, I always like to be prepared well in advance.  I could never understand how someone can wait until the last minute to prepare something.  More power to them if that’s the way they work best, but I could never do it!

I think I”ll go have a hard boiled egg with peanut butter on it! 

That’s it for now, Sunday, October 26, 2014. 

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