Thursday, October 02, 2014

Fall 2014 October 2 Thursday

70 degrees this morning. 55;12  minutes walking. three earthquakes in past 24 hours

Lightning to the south this morning.  Appeared to be a massive  thunderstorm.  Couldn’t tell if moving towards me or away, so watched closely during walk, appeared to be moving away, thank goodness.

My morning walk is always interesting for a variety of  reasons.  Not only is it amazing how many garage doors are left open (including ours one night), but there is plenty of “wild life”.

I hear a number of  cats meowing or screaming, and somewhere in the distance (a little too close some mornings) I hear what sounds like a pack of wild dogs barking.  Occasionally I also see a rabbit running by, but that is about as wild as actual wild life gets.  

The pack of dogs sounds really close at times.  I don’t know if it could be a vet clinic, or just a group of dogs in a neighborhood barking at one time at a passing cat or rabbit.

Of course, there is always the occasional  dog who thinks it is funny to suddenly bark at me, catching me by surprise.

Another form of wildlife is several houses where the parties seem to go all night, with loud talking and music still going on when I walk by (abut 3:30 a.m. or so).  I’m glad they don’t live near us!  

We do have soma windchimes up front that occasionally get it going in the wind.  I hope our neighbors will complain if they can hear it!   It is pretty until the wind gets charged up. 

“Field Training” day Wednesday in a new area.  I did most of the reports etc. and am feeling relatively confident on what I need to do.

October 1 marks the day our new health insurance etc. is effective. Kind of a marker.

Also, today is exactly 30 days since I started working at my job.  

Aliene’s birthday is also today, so we are going to celebrate it with a nice dinner at  a restaurant we have never eaten at before.

I learned yesterday that a person I worked with for a number of years and highly respect is running for elected city office.  I hope she wins, city residents need good elected officials. 

 Unfortunately, even though the city is the government closest to the residents, and can have tremendous imp ace on their daily life, most people don’t vote in city elections. 

I recently heard that the Chicago Mayor (Mayor Daley) was a White Sox fan, so he tried to prevent the Cubs from having an improved stadium!  

That is a good example of why the “strong Mayor” form of government is so poor a concept  One person can destroy a city with their personal prejudices and ignorance as can be documented in numerous cities. 

I am going to have to start loping for a dentist.  Not something I am looking forward to, although I have some personal references on some good dentists, which I have found is one of the best indicators of a good dentist, doctor or anything else!

That’s it for today, Thursday, October 2, 2014

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