Saturday, August 09, 2014

Summer 2014 August 9 Saturday (Audiobooks and iPods and ex iPhones)

81 degrees this morning, muggy, although not as bad as yesterday.  After walking yesterday there was a light rain, and, when I rode my bike the temperature had dropped by 5 degrees or so and it was almost cold, no mugginess.  I noticed how much faster I went on my bike in the cooler weather. 

Walked 55:01 minutes this morning, (a new record) meaning I have dropped almost 4 minutes off my time since I  first started walking this route.  Of course , logically, at some point, I will reach a time where I can’t walk any faster, although probably I will reach an time where I take a second or so off every few months and at some point probably will almost never take any time off my “record”. 

Actually I try to avoid trying to do a better time every day, since it puts the focus on a quantitative  goal rather than the journey and I am more interested in the journey and the general goal of maintaining my health and weight.  And listening to my books.

Started listening to “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” during my morning walk..  I may need to rethink that!  Even with my interest in this, my mind tends to wander.  I’ll see how it goes.  There are some interesting parts, I just need to get my head into it. 

 After listening to  the “Bully Pulpit” while I walk and a James Patterson story while I drive, this is a little bit of a shock to my mind!  

I am tempted to listen again to the Bully Pulpit since I am going to see Doris Kearns Goodwin in person in September (along with 3,000 other people!).  I’ve actually seen her three times before (always an excellent and interesting presentation) and talked to her briefly when she sat down by us at lunch.  I have also read all of her books, which are always interesting and I seem to learn a lot from them.  Probably “Team of Rivals” (about Lincoln) is the best, but she is the type of writer it is hard to say anything is “the best”.  I also really liked her books about Johnson and Roosevelt also.

Actually I probably am probably going to start listening to some podcasts about starting my own business in the near future while I walk.  Right now, that is a priority, as soon as I get them on my iPod (formerly my iPhone!).  Actually I have two “ex” iPhones that are now iPods (one Aliene’s and one mine).  I actually jumped from an iPhone 3 to an iPhone 5 and Aliene from an iPhone 3S to an iPhone 5S. 

As long as the batteries are still good, (and they show no sings of failing after, I believeI, about 6 years (for the iPhone 3).  I have an iPod and three iPod shuffles that have batteries that are about 7 years old (I believe, I lose track!) that still have good batteries and are operating well. 

When to retire an electronic device is always a good question.  It seems like there is always a use for an iPod.  My original iPad (an iPad 1) is still going strong, but I do have a little problem finding a use for it.  It is good for music and listening to books but so is all my iPods and ex iPhones.  (Otherwise, it is very slow compared to the latest iPads).  

It is strange how the line of thought in this daily journal finds it own life.  I didn’t have any intention of writing an entire post about my old iPods and iPads and ex-iPhones!  Every day, it seems to develop it’s own life.  

By the way, on my birthday, my internet speed doubled, from 50 mbps to 100 (I actually measured it at 129 mbps download and 36 mbps upload).  Probably much more than I actually need, but it is nice to have it.  There is actually one level higher.  

Family birthday dinner at On the Border last night.  (Katherine and my birthday). Aliene and I invite everyone out to eat to celebrate the birthdays.  It is a nice gathering.  We limit our visits to On the Border for good reason.  I don’t weigh myself for several days after visiting!  I like the tamales, retired beans and the chips, one of the few times I allow myself to each such food!  Like dessert, I don’t avoid it completely, but do limit it.  

Actually I gained some weight during he move, but am now close to my low again, where I like to be.  I can actually tell the difference in how my clothes fit and how I  feel.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, August 9, 2014.

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